Maintaining a diet can be tiring. And cravings for comfort food don’t make it any easier, either.
Is it really possible to eat whatever, not watch calories and melt away stubborn fat from the comfort of your home?
What to do in these cases of “stubborn” fat?
According to health & wellness experts, the ketogenic diet could be a great solution for transformation.
With the ketogenic diet, it is possible to enjoy delicious meals and lose weight faster.
While AVOIDING sugar and carb withdrawal.
One of the main reasons so many people fail on the keto diet…
Is that they try to cut out too many carbs and sugar too fast, which then puts the body into shock.
Keep reading to learn how to smoothly transition into a keto diet and lose fat faster (and keep it off).
Today, we sit down with a certified ketogenic diet specialist Lauren Weiss, Ph.D., who shares the 3 mistakes to avoid to be successful on your keto journey.
“If you’re not losing weight on a ketogenic lifestyle, you’re eating too much fat, period” – says Lauren.
While keto is a delicious way to weight loss, many people jump in thinking that it’s as simple as loading up on fats. But it’s not.
This misconception can lead to failure and assuming that keto simply doesn’t work.
It does! Thousands of men and women, all over the world, have used this eating strategy. It’s proven, and the results speak for themselves.
But to lose weight with keto without stalling, it’s important to monitor fat intake.
“At the start of the program, it is possible to eat all the fat. Replace your carbohydrates with fat,” says keto expert Lauren Weiss. “And then when I start to see a slowdown of the weight loss, then I say, okay, the nuts are gone. No more snacking on nuts.”
While a beginner can eat 3 rib-eye steaks a day and lose weight, it’s important to know when the diet needs to be adjusted.
So, keto is a very knowledge-based diet. Rushing in without a proper plan is short-sighted as it will most likely fail.
When rushing in without preparation, it can be hard to know the fat intake level. This could lead to weight gain! And that’s the opposite of what we want.
Instead, consider adopting a professional, custom plan based on body type, age, and eating preferences.
A tailor-made plan will ensure that fat intake is at the optimum level.
The reason why keto can be so effective for many people is ketosis.
Ketosis is an intense, fat-burning state. Instead of using carbohydrates for energy, our body starts to use our fat as fuel.
When in ketosis, our bodies start producing ketones, which keep us satiated.
“Ketones will help your appetite stay happy,“ explains Lauren Weiss.
However, for ketones to work their magic, we have to be in ketosis consistently. Sometimes people have a cheat day (or a whole weekend!), which unknowingly does more harm than good.
“You’re working so hard to be in ketosis and then you’re out of ketosis on the weekend,” says Lauren. “You’re only in it for, like, two days a week, which makes no sense. That’s not the goal.”
You might be asking yourself…
How do I know that I’m in ketosis?
First of all, ask yourself if you are tracking and being honest with your macros. If the answer is yes, you should reach ketosis by following the diet.
If for some reason the weight still won’t come off, consider measuring your ketone levels. This can be done via urine strips or a blood test.
If you’re unsure about the results, think about switching to a solution that offers a ketosis tracker, which would tell you if your ketone levels are optimal.
This would ensure that you’re squeezing the most out of keto.
Sometimes the scale stops moving because we unknowingly lose control over our food.
“There are so many reasons why the number won’t move if you ate something. If you ate out at a restaurant,” explains Lauren. “You’re not in control of your food.”
With keto, it’s very important to know exactly what you’re consuming. So, try to eat at home whenever possible.
However, it doesn’t mean that you absolutely cannot eat out. There are ways to stay lean AND enjoy a restaurant dinner, which doesn’t involve bothering the waitress with questions like “Is this keto-friendly?”.
All you need to do is be aware of what’s in your meals and simplify your choice-making process.
The best way to do that is to have a handy tool with an eating-out guide, which will make your keto weight-loss journey smooth and temptation-proof!
The one we have in mind combines tips on dining out, all the necessary tracking metrics, and a ketosis tracker, for the ultimate way to succeed on keto.
Many people read a few articles, note a few keto recipes, then try to get started on their own.
But this is a dangerous mistake. Just knowing you need to reduce carbs is not enough. Often, the meals you find online are good by themselves yet may cause nutritional imbalances when combined.
Don’t start the keto diet without help, especially if you don’t know the answers to questions like these:
How can we answer these questions and achieve our goals with keto?
The solution is a personalized keto diet that takes your age, physical shape, and medical conditions into consideration.
And in less than a couple of minutes, you can receive a personalized keto meal plan!
How’s that for getting into a state of fat-burning ketosis?
Then, simply follow your personalized keto meal plan and…
There’s a chance you’ll achieve your goal!
And the whole time you may experience increased energy, fewer food cravings, and a better mood.
Try it and see for yourself!
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