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Mit Keto über 30 kg leichter: Claires umwerfender Abnehmerfolg

Geschrieben von
Edibel Quintero, MD
Letztes Update: Dez. 30
reading-time6 pro
Al meer dan 30 kg afgevallen: Het inspirerende Keto-verhaal van Claire Moorhouse

Claire Moorhouse (47) spent 9 years of her life battling her weight. 

“I hit rock bottom”, explains Claire. “I’ve tried various things. Obviously, nothing ever became a way of life for me. I always reverted back to the bad habits that got me into the mess I’ve been trying to get out of.

I was the biggest I’d ever been. I was the unhappiest I’d ever been. I can’t explain to you how unenthusiastic I was about life.”

After losing 65 lbs with the keto diet, Claire Moorhouse is now a changed woman who inspires the weight loss community with her transformation every single day.

Today our journalist sits down with Claire to find out more about the routine that helped her lose weight and regain her joy of life.

Claire, could you explain a little bit more where it all began? Why did you start your weight loss journey?

“I hit rock bottom, which is the term often associated with overeating and over drinking.

I was drinking nearly a bottle of gin a day. I was eating pies, chips, you name it, sausage rolls. I just got to a stage where I had enough. 

Literally one day I just thought, that’s it, I’m done now. I not only need to change this, I need to change this in a serious way, with commitment, with determination. 

So that’s basically what I did. I just woke up one morning and I just threw myself 100% into it.

I’ve just heard of keto. I’ve heard so many success stories and I have friends that have done it.

I just thought… “You’ve tried everything else – you might as well just give it a go.” And it’s working, obviously. Really well.”

Before and after starting keto diet
Claire’s before and after (65 lb lost)

You’ve lost 65 pounds with this diet. What was the reaction you’ve gotten from others?

“Nobody believed it was me. I posted pictures before my mom and I went to the gym. 

I went to look at the comments and I was like, “Oh my God, nobody believes me!”

I was really offended.

And my mom said, “Hang on a minute, that’s like the biggest compliment anybody can pay. They’re saying that you literally do not look like the same person you were 11 weeks ago.”

And that’s true. That is completely true.

I can understand why strangers wouldn’t believe it, even friends and family are taking some time believing it because it’s been quick. It’s only been 11 weeks now.

I’ve got a personal trainer now. He said today, “You look thinner again, you’ve lost more weight”. And yeah, I’ve dropped another 2 lbs since last week. 

But it just feels normal now, to be honest, the way I eat and the way I’m living, it’s all completely changed.”

I saw your transformation timelapse video. It was amazing. 

“Yeah. It just so happens that when I took the first picture of myself, I had a hangover and I’d eaten really bad food. 

And I looked at myself and I thought, “I want to remember you. I’m going to remember you because every time I think that I’m going to trip up, I’m going to remember that I don’t want to go back there.” 

So then I just started taking pictures and I stuck them all together. 

I mainly stuck them all together because nobody believed it was me. 

I could see major changes. As I said, every five days I took a picture of myself and something had changed.”

Have you noticed any other benefits since you started beside the weight loss?

“I’m not hungry. I’m literally not hungry. My hair is growing, my nails are growing so fast. I’m sleeping and waking up earlier, and when I wake up in the morning, now I’m actually awake.

One of the other benefits… I’m spending about a third of the amount per week [on groceries] that I was before.

I’m so positive. I suffered from anxiety, depression to a certain degree. [Keto] changed it, just changed everything.”

Sounds great. Did you start this diet on your own?

“I’ve had menus that have been so repetitive that I thought, Claire, that’s not everything that Keto is.

I literally just went online trying to look at all the different foods that you can or cannot eat. And then I just thought, I wonder if there is an app for keto.

So I came across Keto Cycle by chance. I literally typed it in the app store. I took a quick look and I just thought, “That’s what I want. I want the menu, all the recipes”. 

I want a shopping list. I want everybody else to work out the calorie count and everything else that others find so complicated.

When I’ve spoken to people that have done keto and not used an app, everybody’s doing it wrong. Everybody is really doing it wrong.”

Where do you think people go wrong with keto?

“I’m aware that I do have to pick all the different vegetables, different meats to try and make sure I get all the vitamins, all the protein. 

But the app does it for me. So I don’t even need to worry about that.

I go in groups where people are saying, “Oh, we’re worried about the macros”. And I think…  I let Keto Cycle worry about that. I just have to cook it and eat it steadily.”

So I take it you’re enjoying the keto recipes?

“Honestly, the food is brilliant. I’m cooking things that I never imagined I would cook before. And it’s so simple. 

When I tell people this, I feel like I’m a saleswoman for Keto Cycle. Like pushing it. 

But I’m just being honest. 

The food is beautiful, especially now. I love the new feature for when I want to change a meal, I can just literally go to the favorites and select my favorite.”

What would you say to the people that are hesitating to start or are stuck in some way?

“I say that you’ve got to make a decision. You’re either doing it or you’re not. And if you’re not, you’re not going to get results and nothing’s going to change. 

I even motivate myself at the moment. I really do, honestly. And I’m shocked by this – I did not expect these results.

Claire body on keto diet

If I could go back and do it all again, I’d do it exactly the same way.

You’ve got to do it 100% and you are going to see results so quickly that that’s going to then spur you on.”

Clair's progress on keto diet

After hearing Claire talk about her inspiring keto weight loss journey, I went back to check out the app that she mentioned – Keto Cycle. 

I found out that it’s an app that takes a science-based approach to keto and helps thousands of people like Claire lose weight for good. 

First, you take a quiz and fill in your preferences. Then the app provides a personalized keto meal plan that is tailored to individual taste and even health conditions. 

With the app, everything is taken care of: from recipes to custom shopping lists, all you need to do is take the first step.

If you’re inspired by Claire’s story, she wholeheartedly recommends it. 

Seeing her transformation, I can’t help but recommend it too. 

You can take the quiz below!

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Geschrieben von
Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero ist seit sie ihren Abschluss 2013 an der Universität Zulia in Venezuela gemacht hat, als Ärztin tätig. Sie ist auf die Bereiche Fettleibigkeit und Ernährung, physische und postoperative Rehabilitation sowie Sportmassage spezialisiert. Sie war in verschiedenen Kliniken sowohl als Assistenzärztin als auch als medizinische Beratung tätig. Des Weiteren arbeitete sie bereits im Rehabilitationsbereich einer Elite-Fußballmannschaft. Edibel’s Ziel ist es, Menschen dabei zu helfen, einen gesünderen Lebensstil zu leben, indem sie sie über Ernährung, Sport, mentales Wohlbefinden und auch andere wichtige Lebensbereiche aufklärt. Dank dieser Aufklärung können Menschen ihre Lebensqualität in den genannten Bereichen enorm steigern und verbessern.

Al meer dan 30 kg afgevallen: Het inspirerende Keto-verhaal van Claire Moorhouse

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