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Home Keto Diet Keto Charge Review: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Supplement?

Keto Charge Review: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Supplement?

Keto Charge review
Health Insider edit

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Sometimes, your body needs help to burn stubborn fat efficiently. Taking supplements could speed up the fat-burning process over time.

People can enter ketosis at unique times depending on their age, genetics, diet, gender, and current weight. You might struggle to notice weight loss results while eating low-carb foods, making keto-friendly supplements popular in the wellness market. 

Keto Charge is one of those supplements that claim to boost the ketosis state. The BHB salt mix could be the secret ingredient for weight loss. Learning more about the health benefits can help you determine whether these capsules are really worth it. 

In this article, we review the Keto Charge supplements and their effectiveness.

What Is Keto Charge?

Keto Charge Logotype
Keto Charge
  • Speeds up ketone production in the body
  • Better electrolyte balance in your diet
  • Supports those with diabetes mellitus
Our Rating:
Might decrease cholesterol and blood glucose
Reduces gut inflammation
Better concentration during the day
Supports the fat-burning state
Contains healthy ketone salts
Energy boost
Sold online only
Reports of constipation
Possible dehydration

Keto Charge is a dietary supplement that aims to boost ketosis. People can take these capsules when losing weight and eating low-carb foods on the keto diet. The ketone salts act as an energy booster for those who regularly exercise or have active lifestyles. 

These supplements have a blend of ketones and glycine amino acids that encourage the body to burn more stubborn fat. Consuming the capsules won’t reduce fat directly, but they give your metabolism the energy it needs to support effective weight loss. 

Some of the ingredients balance electrolytes in your body while supporting the fat-burning process. These might be glycine amino acids or the BHB salt mix. Both of these components work together to boost your energy and keep everything functioning. 

The Keto Charge supplements can also reduce keto flu symptoms. You may experience headaches, mood swings, low energy, and brain fog when following the keto diet. Taking these capsules is supposed to eliminate any symptoms while you lose weight.

Does Keto Charge Work?

People who take the Keto Charge supplement usually experience weight loss and reduced hunger on the ketogenic diet. This is because the beta-hydroxybutyrate ingredients encourage your body to burn hidden fat for energy instead of reserved glycogen stores.

Not everyone will share the same results when taking these capsules. Your age, gender, current weight, genetics, and diet play a huge role in ketosis. For example, older adults with a slow metabolism might notice slower weight loss compared to other people. 

The Keto Charge website contains approved research on how the supplements boost fat burning. A study discovered that being in ketosis reduces triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and blood glucose, which leads to a decrease in your body weight.

Another study shows that people feel less hunger on the keto diet. This means they won’t feel the urge to binge eat or snack between meals. Of course, the fewer calories you consume throughout the day, the more likely you’ll experience weight loss. 

Who Is Keto Charge for?

Keto Charge is for people who want to get into ketosis faster on a keto diet. These dietary supplements are designed to push your body into a fat-burning state more quickly. You might also take them to feel less hungry or speed up the metabolism when it’s using calories.

The main purpose of these capsules is to reduce stubborn body weight. This is because the ingredients work to induce ketosis and improve the body’s metabolic rate. So, if you want to lose a few more pounds on the keto diet, these pills may be a suitable option. 

How to Use Keto Charge?

You need to take around 4 Keto Charge capsules a day with 8fl oz of water. This ensures the minerals are absorbed easily through your intestines. It’s worth taking a supplement on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes before a big meal. 

Remember not to exceed the recommended dosage. Fueling your body with too many BHB salts could cause mental and physical fatigue. Some people may feel like 4 capsules a day is too much, so keep this in mind before purchasing a bottle. 

Main Benefits of Keto Charge

One main benefit of Keto Charge is that it speeds up ketone production. The more ketones you have in your body, the more energy your metabolism uses to burn fat. You will notice more weight loss results when depriving the body of carbohydrates. 

These supplements also contain electrolytes that enhance exercise performance, reduce blood sugar, strengthen muscles, and improve sleep. Your body needs electrolytes to function properly and burn stored fat during a strict keto diet. 

People with diabetes can take keto supplements to reduce their blood sugar levels. This can help them enjoy the keto diet without worrying about their symptoms. A study found that ketogenic diets actually improve metabolic control in those with diabetes.

Keto Charge Pros

Keto Charge doesn’t just focus on burning stored fat. Other health benefits derive from taking this popular keto supplement. Learning about the advantages of keto diet pills can help you determine whether this dietary product is worth it. 

Here are the pros of Keto Charge: 

#1 Gives an energy boost

These keto supplements are designed to increase your energy levels. Each capsule feeds your ketone bodies and encourages the body to use them for energy. Being more active throughout the day ensures you’re constantly burning fat and unwanted calories.

#2 Alleviates keto flu symptoms

Keto Charge contains electrolytes – minerals that fuel cells in your body. This means your metabolism can transition into ketosis more easily. A better transition may stop keto flu symptoms like headaches, dry mouth, low energy, brain fog, and muscle weakness.

#3 Helps to lose weight faster

Of course, many people take a keto supplement to lose weight faster on the ketogenic diet. These dietary capsules encourage ketone bodies to replace more glucose, meaning you won’t get hunger attacks or sugar cravings while eating low-carb foods.

Keto Charge Cons

There are bound to be disadvantages when taking a keto supplement. Not everyone will experience the same physical effects on the ketogenic diet. You should consider the drawbacks of Keto Charge before making a big investment in this diet pill. 

#1 Can cause dehydration

Your body produces ketones on the keto diet – water-soluble compounds that have diuretic effects. This means you will urinate often and lose more water weight. Not getting adequate amounts of hydration could lead to migraines and chronic fatigue. 

#2 Might cause constipation

Being constipated can be normal when your body isn’t used to digesting fewer carbs. This is just your gastrointestinal (GI) tract reacting to a new diet. You should be aware of this side effect if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive problems. 

However, this side effect is common for all diet pills, such as Keto Genix, PhenQ, or Phen24.

Key Ingredients of Keto Charge

Learning about the ingredients in Keto Charge can help you understand how this keto supplement supports fat loss. The creators believe that natural substances are great at promoting restful sleep, boosting ketosis, and burning fat throughout the day. 

Here are 3 main ingredients in this keto supplement: 

#1 Magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)

Magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate is a ketone your body produces from fatty acids. This is a carrier of energy when your glucose levels get depleted. Gaining more of this chemical ensures you feel recharged and energized when consuming low-carb foods.

#2 Calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) 

Calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate is another type of chemical that helps your brain and nerves work better. You will also get more energy when using this ketone. Of course, more ketones lead to a fat reduction on your belly, thighs, arms, face, and back. 

#3 Sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) 

Sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate is there to maintain fluid balance in your cells. This ingredient is very important for feeding muscles during ketosis. You can take a keto pill to ensure balanced electrolyte levels and proper muscle contraction when losing weight.

Keto Charge Cost

There are different pricing plans you can get when buying Keto Charge. You should consider what package is best for your budget and health goals. Remember that this product doesn’t offer subscriptions and won’t automatically charge you every month. 

Some pricing for Keto Charge includes: 

1-month supply: $59.99 

2 months with 1 month free: $119.99

3 months with 2 months free: $179.99 

Keto Charge vs. Competitors 

keto cycle logo new
Keto Charge Logo
perfect keto
4.7 / 5
4.1 / 5
4.0 / 5

Keto Cycle FUEL helps your body transition into ketosis on the diet

The dietary supplement fuels the gut with exogenous ketones

People can mix the powder with plain water to gain the health benefits

This supplement is designed to speed up ketone production

Better electrolyte balance while eating low-carb foods

Aims to decrease levels of LDL cholesterol, blood glucose, and triglycerides

Contains electrolytes that are known to boost brain function and energy levels

The capsules are easy to take every day with meals

Perfect Keto also aims to boost the ketosis state

No added sugars
Reduces keto flu symptoms
Curbs hunger cravings
Promotes fast calorie-burning
Easy to dissolve
Contains important electrolytes
Supports anyone on the keto diet
Decreased inflammation
Better mental focus
Supports the fat-burning process
FDA-approved research
Boosts energy
Packed with healthy and strong ketone salts
No artificial ingredients
Easy dosing
Supports weight loss
No bitter aftertaste
Reduced hunger on the keto diet
Greater energy throughout the day
Limited flavors
Not vegan-friendly
Reports of side effects like dehydration
Sold online only
Possible constipation
Expensive capsules
Poor customer service options
Reports of bad shipping times
keto cycle logo new
Keto Charge Logo
perfect keto
4.7 / 5
4.1 / 5
4.0 / 5
Product info

Keto Cycle FUEL helps your body transition into ketosis on the diet

The dietary supplement fuels the gut with exogenous ketones

People can mix the powder with plain water to gain the health benefits

This supplement is designed to speed up ketone production

Better electrolyte balance while eating low-carb foods

Aims to decrease levels of LDL cholesterol, blood glucose, and triglycerides

Contains electrolytes that are known to boost brain function and energy levels

The capsules are easy to take every day with meals

Perfect Keto also aims to boost the ketosis state

No added sugars
Reduces keto flu symptoms
Curbs hunger cravings
Promotes fast calorie-burning
Easy to dissolve
Contains important electrolytes
Supports anyone on the keto diet
Decreased inflammation
Better mental focus
Supports the fat-burning process
FDA-approved research
Boosts energy
Packed with healthy and strong ketone salts
No artificial ingredients
Easy dosing
Supports weight loss
No bitter aftertaste
Reduced hunger on the keto diet
Greater energy throughout the day
Limited flavors
Not vegan-friendly
Reports of side effects like dehydration
Sold online only
Possible constipation
Expensive capsules
Poor customer service options
Reports of bad shipping times

How We Tested Keto Charge 

You can only test supplements by trying them for a few months. This will help you determine whether they boost your weight loss progress. Below are a few ways we tested Keto Charge and rated the capsules based on the benefits, pros, and cons.

Quality 9/10

Keto Charge contains high-quality ingredients that support ketosis. The BHB salt mix was carefully designed to boost the fat-burning process in your body. Supplements that have FDA-approved research usually resonate more with potential customers. 

Effectiveness 8/10

Dietary supplements won’t always be effective at helping you lose weight. You should try the Keto Charge pills for a few weeks to determine whether they work. People can lose more weight by walking every day or going for long runs to burn calories. 

Price  7/10

Paying almost $60 for one bottle of Keto Charge can be expensive. Not everyone has this kind of budget when it comes to purchasing monthly supplements. You should consider the high price point of these capsules before making the big investment. 

Brand reputation 9/10

Keto Charge is all about improving the “health of communities” through education, research, disease prevention, and healthy habits. They have created dietary supplements that reduce body fat while fueling your gut with important electrolytes. 

A Word From a Nutritionist

Supplements are a great way of boosting your weight loss progress. They usually contain powerful ingredients that improve ketosis. Of course, not everyone prefers dietary pills on their diet, but they’re worth trying if you need that extra bit of support.

Beta-hydroxybutyrate is a common ingredient that helps the body burn fat. There are more benefits that could improve your long-term health. Some of these include diabetes prevention, reduced insulin resistance, better brain function, and epilepsy treatment. 

People who are pregnant, breastfeeding, getting cancer therapy, or suffering from any health conditions should consult with their doctor before taking supplements. This ensures no potential damage to the body when being on the ketogenic diet. 

Remember to stop taking supplements when you experience side effects for longer than a few days. These could be migraines, stomach cramps, serious constipation, and fatigue. Certain pills might not agree with your gut and could cause discomfort.


So, does Keto Charge actually work?

The Keto Charge pills can help you lose weight and avoid keto flu symptoms on a low-carb diet. BHB salts and amino acids are great at targeting visceral fat. You can take these supplements throughout the day to boost the natural production of ketones. 

Written by
Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.

Keto Charge review

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