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Home Psychology DoMental Review: Will This Online Therapy App Make You Feel Better?

DoMental Review: Will This Online Therapy App Make You Feel Better?

Last update: Aug 29
Last update: Aug 29
reading-time8 min
domental review

Mental health disorders are stigmatized in society. This makes it difficult for us to decide to seek help when we need it. Sometimes, all we need is someone to talk about what’s bothering us.

A friend to talk to is great, but they don’t always know how to help you.

Using the app is like chatting with an intimate friend. The difference is that a therapist knows how to cope with the situation you are going through.

If you are feeling depressed, anxious, or stressed, this app will be the safest companion.

Join us to discover what DoMental has to offer in detail.

DoMental review


With DoMental, you will get conversations with licensed psychotherapists that feel very natural, such as face-to-face therapy.

You can choose the schedule that suits you best – they will help you create and strengthen positive habits for your mental health.

The app focuses on psychotherapy as the primary method to help its clients with stress, relationship problems, self-esteem problems, anger, grief, anxiety, loneliness, or insomnia.


Feel better with online therapy

  • Overcome negative thoughts, relieve stress, manage anxiety & be happier
  • Improve your relationship with the people surrounding you
  • Understand your thinking patterns
  • Develop a positive attitude
  • Make better decisions
  • Communicate better with others
Our Rating:
Access to voice and text chats with professional psychotherapists
24-hour support
Privacy and security
Unlimited chat time
Daily feedback to keep you focused
You can see your therapy roadmap with every step you complete
Chat usage is in real-time
The app does not offer a free trial period
Does not accept insurance

App overview: is it one of the best online therapy apps available?

Nobody wants a complicated life. We are always looking for tools that will give us effective solutions to our problems.

But, deciding to visit a psychologist is hard. The types of social stigma are well documented and difficult to avoid.

With all the prejudice of society, we repress emotions that affect us. The worse we are feeling, the more blurred the path to relief becomes.

Therapy seeks to provide treatment for depression, anxiety, phobias, or any psychological disorder. Its goal is we become masters of our thoughts and feelings to achieve benefits in all aspects of our lives. That includes the health of our bodies.

That is what DoMental offers – online therapy in the comfort of your own home.

This is what you can find inside the app:

Audio and text messagingYou can access the chat and talk to your therapist via text or voice message at any time of the day. The therapist will reach you in the schedule you select.
Encrypted conversationsThis means that you will have absolute privacy as only you and your therapist will have access to the chat.
Change psychotherapistsAs humans, we need to connect with others to communicate better. You have the option to change psychotherapists if you feel you need to.
Permanent chat historyMessages from your current and previous therapists always remain accessible.

This tool is important as you will have a lot of motivational messages in the chat and may want to read them often.
Therapy roadmapYou will be able to see your therapy progress as completed tasks or steps.
Daily feedbackYour assigned therapist will follow up with you daily to ensure your progress.
This feedback is an initiative by the therapist.

While browsing the app, we found out something else! Soon you will have the option to add an extra person to the chat. This can be a family member or friend, so you will feel accompanied during therapy.

These are other features that will be available soon:

  • Video call sessions to talk to your therapist
  • Therapy worksheets
  • Daily mood tracking
  • Gratitude journaling

The fact that they are working on improving the app is a good sign. We get emotional imagining how many people need this kind of help.

It is not an app that needs so many features. We are sure that mental issues should address in the simplest possible way. Nobody expects when looking for help to find too many functions that don’t seem helpful.

The functions it has so far made it simple to use. The focus of the app is on psychotherapy as the primary method to help its clients.

Who can use DoMental?

People who feel physical or mental discomfort due to:

  • Stress
  • Relationship problems
  • Self-esteem problems
  • Anger
  • Grief
  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness
  • Insomnia

Also, we understood that even if you don’t feel discomfort, we all need a therapist. In the same way, we all need regular check-ups with a doctor.

Sometimes we don’t understand our emotions. We don’t realize how the situations we are going through affect us.

Through online therapy, it is interesting to discover things about ourselves.

How does DoMental help you, and what are the limitations?

The power of communication has great benefits for mental health. Talking to others allows us to free ourselves from the emotions that keep us trapped in despair.

It is comforting to know that you are talking to a human being, not a bot with automated responses.

Conversation with your therapist feels very natural, as face-to-face therapy.

DoMental obtains your mental health profile through a comprehensive questionnaire. Each question focuses on exploring your condition in depth. Thanks to this, you get matched with a psychotherapist who is appropriate for you.

It is important to note that you can change your psychotherapist if you do not feel comfortable. This option is a great advantage. When you connect with a person is when you can be more open to express your feelings.

When using DoMental, we learned that the most crucial step is to let go of fear. You enter with a bundle of emotions that you can untangle with the guidance of professionals.

By giving a professional the space to explore our feelings, we can find a proper solution. Working on our mental health will always bring us closer to the life we aspire.

How can you start using the app?

The first step is to fill in a quiz on the website aimed at understanding your case.

From that point, you can select one of the plans offered. After payment, you can download the app on your phone or access it through DoMental’s website.

The app takes a few seconds to analyze your results to create your mental health profile. When you log into the app, you will find the assigned psychotherapist’s profile. This professional is the best suit for your needs.

The steps to start using the service are very clear – in a short time, you can start chatting with your therapist. Our team followed every step, and we discovered that we had a different therapist each.

DoMental has a great staff of professionals to assist you in various cases.

DoMental customer reviews

For those who are wondering if online therapy is working, we have found customer reviews. Positive comments show that this type of therapy is also effective, and that’s good to hear, as, in this fast-paced world, we don’t always have time to visit psychologists. DoMental offers you a therapy session from the comfort of your own home.

DoMental customer reviews

DoMental pricing

A psychologist may charge between $100–300 per hour for a session, usually once or twice a week.

DoMental offers 3 types of plans:

Monthly plan: $47 per week

Quarterly plan: $39 per week

Biannual plan: $29 per week

It is easy to see the contrast between the prices of an in-person session. This makes DoMental an affordable service.

DoMental vs alternatives

At Health Insider, we examine all sides of the niche to have an accurate opinion.

We have compiled a comparison table with other apps that offer online therapy.

PricingFrom $29 per week$249 per month$260–320 per month$260–396 per month
ProsLowest prices

Chat usage in real-time

Faster therapist responses

Therapy roadmap
The plan includes 1 video call per month

Delivery of medicines is once a month (if necessary)
Live sessions once a week that can be via video or phone call

Includes a free basic trial for one week
They have various insurance plans

Psychiatry evaluations available
ConsDoes not offer medication treatment

Doesn’t accept insurance

No video call sessions
Includes medication plan but does not accept insurance

Lessons do not seem personalized because they mix a variety of topics
Chat history gets deleted when you change therapists

Prices are confusing
You only have real-time communication with some plans

Why should you trust our review?

We know that selecting a service provider is tricky. Especially when it comes to health.

The entire Health Insider team got their hands-on understanding DoMental. Of course, we didn’t become therapists overnight.

Our job was to test not only the price but also the functions it offers.

We have a lot of respect for professionals working with mental health. By evaluating the resources they offer, we got great results.

In the beginning, we thought we had to put ourselves in the place of a person with mental issues. We thought that inventing symptoms would give us a better perspective on the app. It wasn’t necessary.

Psychotherapists help you discover those personal problems that are hard to recognize.

Everything we found out on DoMental was through our real profiles. We were very pleased to get to know ourselves a little better. 

Each member of our team had their own personal and private journey. Our review is the result of those experiences.


Is DoMental legit?

Yes. They are expert psychotherapists with a wide variety of specializations in mental health.

Will everything I tell the therapist remain private?

Yes, the chat will only be between you and your therapist. Your information remains encrypted and protected by state and federal laws.

You can set a password in the app in order to protect the information on your phone.

Do I need to provide all my personal information to use the app?

No, they do not need your information to help you. You even don’t have to give your name.

Can I cancel the plan I bought?

Yes, if you are not satisfied, you can cancel your membership regardless of the reason.

If I am taking medication for a mental illness, can I use the app?

Yes, you can use the app. Psychotherapists are trained to attend to a wide range of mental health issues.

What if I want to change my therapist?

You can do so at any time. The app aims to make you feel comfortable during the whole time you are using the service.

Conclusion: is DoMental worth it?

Who doesn’t want to leave their worries and fears behind? Having a peaceful life is definitely worth it.

The app is not going to give you a diagnosis, and you don’t need to have a serious illness to use its services.

In fact, its focus is to treat mild mental issues that are not causing serious physical symptoms.

You will learn to recognize what is affecting you.

We put ourselves in the shoes of people who have been struggling for a long time. We understand those who do not make the decision to seek help for their problems.

Our experience with DoMental was very rewarding. We are now aware that there is a safe and discreet way to help those in need.

Written by
Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.

domental review

Comments (3)

  1. avatar
    5 Dec, 2022 at 4:51 pm

    Trying to cancel. How?

  2. avatar
    Lindsay P
    28 Oct, 2021 at 5:57 am

    Glad I finally decided to take my mental health seriously with this service. Life with a therapist and life without really are different.

  3. avatar
    25 Oct, 2021 at 12:30 pm

    Online therapy works better for me and my therapist provides just the right support. I feel welcomed and understood. My previous therapist did not support my lifestyle and it took time to find the courage to try therapy again. Glad I did.


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