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Home Fasting BurnBox Review: Here’s What You Can Expect

BurnBox Review: Here’s What You Can Expect

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In this fast-paced modern world, it is often difficult to prioritize our health. We feel under pressure and stressed, which manifests itself as a constant struggle with weight gain, inflammation, and sickness. But what if there was a way to counteract this damage and rejuvenate your body? The new product called BurnBox might help you do just that!

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at BurnBox to find out what it is, how it works, and how it could help you to lose weight and feel better. Take a look below to learn more.

What Is BurnBox?

burnbox logotype
  • Science-backed method for weight loss
  • Quick weight reduction
  • Includes everything you need to succeed
Our Rating:
Might reduce inflammation
Gives an energy boost
Guidance to ensure you’re following a safe weight loss method
May reduce cholesterol levels
Increases metabolism
Fasting is not safe for everyone
Could lead to nausea, extreme hunger, and fatigue

The BurnBox product is a guided program that supports you through a 3-day prolonged fast to help you feel healthier and happier. It includes pre, during, and post fast guidance to ensure you practice safely and in a beneficial way.

BurnBox offers users a unique way to reset their lives totally. Whether you’re feeling ill, have gained weight, or just want to feel rejuvenated, this product offers a quick and easy way to help you to feel full of life once more. It is a guided program designed to help you lose weight using prolonged fasting.

This box also includes an electrolyte and mineral mix to ensure your levels stay within a healthy range during fasting and a psyllium husk fiber supplement to help reduce hunger cravings. Vitamin B complex supports steady energy levels, and a broth powder will provide your body with essential nutrients and antioxidants.

The BurnBox product contains all the tools you need for quick, easy, and healthy weight loss that is the catalyst for a new you.

⭐ Rating


✅ Who is it for?

Those over 18

❌ Vegan?


💰 Price


🧰️ What’s in the box

Supplements, tape measure, water bottle

🔔 How to get started

How Does BurnBox Work?

The primary mechanism in BurnBox is the prolonged fasting regime. Prolonged fasting is known to have plenty of health benefits, including weight loss, a reduction in blood lipid levels, an increase in metabolism, and a reduction in fasting blood glucose levels.

Prolonged fasting has a long history across the world and is associated with both health and religious practice. In recent years, intermittent fasting has become a popular weight loss method, helping those who have struggled with restrictive diets lose weight in a new way.

The BurnBox product is designed to help you reset. A 3-day fast helps you to lose weight quickly as the body enters the metabolic state of ketosis, in which body fat is burned instead of blood glucose. This allows you to shift stubborn fat and get started on your weight loss journey.

On top of this, a longer fast can help to increase your metabolism, making it easier for your body to burn through calories and supporting long-term weight loss. 

Who Is It for?

BurnBox is for anyone who wants a fresh burst of life, those stuck in a weight loss rut, or anyone looking to start living a healthier and more balanced life. It is a great choice for people who have struggled with yo-yo dieting or fad diets, as it might help people to shift stubborn fat.

While fasting has been shown to have many positive effects on the human body, some people should not try it. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of eating  disorders, speak with a doctor before trying a new weight loss method to ensure it is safe for you to do so.

What You’re Going to Find in BurnBox: 5-Step Plan to Your Success

This magic box is the complete package and contains everything you could possibly need to succeed. Below, we’ve gone into detail about everything you will find inside this product.

burnbox inside
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#1 Electrolytes and minerals

The manufacturers of BurnBox have included an electrolytes and minerals packet to ensure that your body continues to get all the micronutrients it needs, even when you’re not consuming any calories.

Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and are integral to the proper functioning of the human body. They play a role in hydration, how your muscles work, and much more.

An electrolyte imbalance can have a huge impact on your health and, in some cases, can even be fatal. For this reason, it is important you keep taking electrolytes while fasting.

#2 Vitamin B complex

The B vitamins play a crucial role in the production of energy in the body. Since you are not consuming any calories during prolonged fasting, you may feel lethargic and lack energy. The B vitamin complex is included to support the body’s energy production during these 3 days.

#3 Broth powder

Bone broth is a popular addition to many fasting regimes. The broth can be consumed during fasting periods as it does not break ketosis, and drinking the broth can help you to stave off hunger cravings and reduce feelings of extreme hunger. Bone broth also contains electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins, supporting hydration.

#4 Psyllium husk supplement

Psyllium husk is a natural form of dietary fiber. It is a bulk-forming laxative and is often used to aid digestion and weight loss. Consuming psyllium husk increases feelings of satiety, can reduce hunger pangs, and supports regular and easily passable bowel movements.

For fasting, a fiber supplement can support longer fasts and ensure that you don’t give in to hunger cravings.

#5 Tape measure

When you have the tape measure, you can easily track your progress. Using measurements rather than the number on the scale is a good way to see if it is working.

As you lose weight, there may be fluctuations on the scales, which can dishearten people and make them feel like they have failed. Using a tape measure to take your measurements is a more consistent way of tracking your progress and can keep you motivated.

#6 Reusable water bottle

The reusable bottle that is found in this box is used to encourage proper hydration throughout the long fasting period. Staying hydrated is essential for good health and keeping hunger cravings at bay.

burnbox supplements
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Benefits of BurnBox

BurnBox is a new way to rejuvenate yourself and comes with many benefits. We have examined some of them below to help you get to know this product a little better.

#1 Safe way to shed a few pounds

Fasting is generally considered a safe way to lose weight. Many fad diets can be dangerous for your health, but as fasting is a natural way to lose weight, there aren’t many drawbacks. A prolonged 3-day fast helps to safely reset your body and get your weight loss journey underway.

#2 Constant guidance

To ensure that you do not put yourself in any danger, BurnBox comes with guidance for all parts of the fasting program. Following each of these steps will offer you a quick, simple, and easy way to lose weight.

The guidance also means that anyone who has never tried fasting before can do so without worrying they are getting it wrong. The guidance offered by the team is comprehensive and put together by experts for the best results.

#3 Support through the process

From the guidance you are given to all the tools included in the product, BurnBox makes sure that you are supported every step of the way.

From a personal journal to detail your journey, a water bottle to encourage hydration, to electrolyte mixes to keep your body as healthy as possible, the support is unmatched.

#4 Reduced cravings

Research suggests that prolonged periods of fasting may help to reduce cravings in individuals. This means that if you have struggled with hunger cravings and overeating, trying a prolonged fasting method could help you to control your eating better.

In addition, the psyllium husk supplement found in the product can help to increase feelings of fullness and reduce sugar cravings.

#5 Might lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol

There is evidence that fasting may have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, making it easier to regulate them and keep them within a healthy range. On top of this, fasting may help to reduce cholesterol levels. Reducing levels of cholesterol in the blood can promote better overall heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Downsides of BurnBox

As with any weight loss product, there are some downsides to it. Check them out to get a balanced view of this new weight loss program.

#1 Prolonged fasting is not safe for everyone

There are a few groups of people who shouldn’t try fasting for weight loss. These include people who are pregnant or breastfeeding, people with a condition that can be exacerbated by prolonged periods without food, anyone who has or has had an eating disorder, and anyone under the age of 18.

If you are concerned that you fall into one of these groups, speak with your doctor before attempting this dieting method.

#2 Requires willingness

Prolonged fasting is hard. It requires commitment and willingness to stick with the regime. If you don’t, you may not experience the best possible results. For this reason, this kind of weight loss method may not be suited to everyone.

If you are considering trying fasting but don’t think you could begin with a 3-day fast, why not try a less challenging style of fasting, like the 14/10 or 16/8 method, before diving into BurnBox?

What Is the Price of BurnBox?

One single BurnBox experience, which includes enough for 1 fasting period, is $149. You can upgrade your box to include 3 refills, which allows for 4 fasting periods in a year. This upgrade costs $236.


Is BurnBox legit?

BurnBox is a legit method for weight loss. It uses science-backed and evidence-based methods that have been shown to be effective for weight reduction.

Where to buy BurnBox?

BurnBox can be bought from the official website. It is best to purchase from there rather than from a third party to verify that it is the real product and not a fake version that does not work properly.

Is BurnBox vegan?

All aspects of the BurnBox product are vegan-friendly, except for the bone broth. This can be excluded from your regime if you are vegan and should not have a huge impact on your weight loss results.

Comparison Table

burnbox logo
ProLon Logo
optavia Logo
4.6 / 5
4.2 / 5
3.9 / 5

Science-backed method for weight loss

Quick weight reduction

Includes everything you need to succeed

5-day prolonged fasting regime

Contains supplements, teas, and more to keep you on track

Comprehensive diet program

Ready-made meals

Fasting is known to support weight loss, reduce inflammation, and promote vitality
Guided to ensure you’re following a safe weight loss method
Each box comes with the option to extend to a 5-day fast
Can easily upgrade to a 1 year supply
Quick weight loss
Reduces belly fat
Improves aging
Everything is provided for you
Great for people who don’t like cooking
Offers support to all users
Fasting is not safe for everyone
Prolonged fasting may result in some negative side effects
Very expensive product
Long periods of fasting aren’t suitable for all
Limitations to changes in body composition due to length of diet
Very low calorie
May not offer all necessary nutrients
Encourages unhealthy weight loss
burnbox logo
ProLon Logo
optavia Logo
4.6 / 5
4.2 / 5
3.9 / 5
Product info

Science-backed method for weight loss

Quick weight reduction

Includes everything you need to succeed

5-day prolonged fasting regime

Contains supplements, teas, and more to keep you on track

Comprehensive diet program

Ready-made meals

Fasting is known to support weight loss, reduce inflammation, and promote vitality
Guided to ensure you’re following a safe weight loss method
Each box comes with the option to extend to a 5-day fast
Can easily upgrade to a 1 year supply
Quick weight loss
Reduces belly fat
Improves aging
Everything is provided for you
Great for people who don’t like cooking
Offers support to all users
Fasting is not safe for everyone
Prolonged fasting may result in some negative side effects
Very expensive product
Long periods of fasting aren’t suitable for all
Limitations to changes in body composition due to length of diet
Very low calorie
May not offer all necessary nutrients
Encourages unhealthy weight loss

How We Tested

We review many products so that we can offer our readers a balanced overview of everything that is out there. We believe in giving thorough reviews to help our readers find the best product for their health.

Each product that we look at is rated in four categories. These are quality, effectiveness, price, and brand reputation. Below, we have explained what each of these means and how BurnBox was rated in each of them.

Quality 9/10

A good quality product means it uses ingredients from reputable sources and research-backed methods to ensure it works. If you are spending money on something to boost your health and make you feel better, then quality is of the utmost importance.

BurnBox is a good quality health product, and so we have given it a rating of 9/10.

Effectiveness 9/10

The effectiveness of a product is important to us because if something doesn’t work, there’s no point in using it! The BurnBox product uses methods that are known to work for weight loss and will have you feeling great in no time. We have given it a high rating in this category for this reason.

Price 7/10

Good health needs to be accessible to everyone, so the price of health products is important to us. The BurnBox product is set at a higher price point, making it inaccessible to many people. However, it is an excellent product and so warrants a slightly higher price. We have scored it 7/10 as it may not be affordable for everyone.

Brand reputation 9/10

Reputable brands tend to bring out products that work and are affordable. For this reason, we always give each product a score in this category. The manufacturers of BurnBox are well-known and respected in the health industry, so we have rated it highly.

A Word From a Nutritionist

Weight loss can be difficult for many people. Sticking to new regimes, trying out different recipes, and trying to stay on track in this fast-paced world can make weight loss and living a healthy life incredibly difficult. Sometimes people just need a little push to kick-start their weight loss journey.

Fasting is a popular method of losing weight because it comes with many other health benefits, too. It is known to reduce inflammation, increase longevity, and may even reduce the risk of a number of chronic illnesses. It has been shown to have impressive results.

While it is known for its many benefits though, prolonged periods of fasting may induce side effects like extreme hunger, faintness, lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, and low energy. Remember to follow all guidelines and take precautions to fast safely. If you feel unwell, stop fasting immediately.


BurnBox is an innovative new health product that helps to get you ready to lead a healthier, happier life. It gives you a jumpstart on weight loss and can leave you feeling revitalized.

Written by
Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.

burnbox review

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