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Home Fasting A Convenient Weight Loss Lie: “Eat Less, Move More”

A Convenient Weight Loss Lie: “Eat Less, Move More”

Published By
Edibel Quintero, MD
Last update: Jul 26
reading-time4 min
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Comments (3)

  1. avatar
    20 Dec, 2022 at 3:28 pm

    I want to check it out, do I just click on the red button?

  2. avatar
    Ann Brown
    19 Dec, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    I’m here because my friend started taking this over a year ago. She was taking the supplement for approximately 5 or 6 months, lost A LOT of weight and was feeling fantastic (looked amazing too). She would always go about how taking it has improved her life and was encouraging me to try it. But I was more interested to see what happens when she stops taking the supplement. So long story short it’s been over 6 months since she took the last capsule and honestly… She hasn’t gained back ANY of her weight back. She says her stomach shrunk and she knows the size of her portions now. I’m blown away and ordering a six months supply for myself now and some more as gifts for Cristmas! I want to lose at least 30 lbs:D (a bit sad I didn’t do it a year ago, but better later than never).

  3. avatar
    Lucy Kovs
    17 Dec, 2022 at 6:02 pm

    I had some good success with this exact supplement. Lost ~15 pounds in 3 months. My eating habits changed naturally, I just wasn’t as hungry so my portions just got smaller (same foods, though). You did great!


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