Nosebleeds, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pains… And helpless thoughts racing through my mind.
I will never forget the day the ambulance took me to the hospital.
The emergency room staff took my blood pressure, which had risen to 205/102mmHg.
It came down a bit with medication.
But then it shot up again while the doctors examined me closely.
I am not sure what they did next, but it was the last thing I remember before I lost consciousness.
And when I opened my eyes, I saw my daughter bursting into tears.
“Mom, I’m worried about you,” she whispered.
My daughter, Lisa, lived more than 100 miles away, so I didn’t see her very often. But that day was a special occasion. Especially for me.
She was visiting me with her newborn baby boy. I was beyond excited to hold my grandson for the first time.
But as I greeted my daughter and reached for my grandson, I almost fainted.
Lisa immediately called an ambulance, and I was taken to the hospital.
After a battery of tests, the doctor explained why this had happened to me.
It turned out that I had high cholesterol, and my blood pressure tended to fluctuate without me noticing.
“That’s why high blood pressure and high cholesterol are called silent killers,” the doctor said.
I knew that our family had a history of heart disease. My late father died of a heart attack. And now that I had been warned about the risk of stroke and heart attack, I was concerned.
The doctor prescribed some medications and advised me to check my blood pressure regularly. He also encouraged me to improve my diet and lose some weight.
At first, I took the doctor’s advice very seriously. But as I got better and my symptoms subsided, I started skipping medications. I also stopped checking my blood pressure every day.
Honestly, I just kept forgetting to do it.
I also let my eating habits slip.
The pounds on my scale began to rise.
Since the day the doctor warned me about the risk of a heart attack and suggested I lose some weight, I have gained 31lbs.
And it showed, oh boy, it showed.
Just imagine, the dress I wore to my 50th birthday didn’t fit me anymore (I wore it two years ago!).
I immediately made a fast switch to diets. I’ve tried restrictive low-sodium, dash, and Mediterranean diets… But the recipes were complicated, and I’d regain the lost pounds quickly.
I didn’t even notice how fast I gave up. It was so hard to find a way to align my diet with my heart and cholesterol issues. Maybe I was not serious enough about my health and the negative consequences I might face.
But one day, as I was going through our family albums, I felt so nostalgic for my past…
I couldn’t remember the last time I went to the park we have nearby or the last time I had a decent conversation with my husband. I could feel how our spark had faded.
The memories felt nostalgic, and I knew I could have many good moments ahead of me. I just had to get back to the active, fun, healthy Juliane I was before.
And yet here I was, looking at old photos as my health and well-being slowly deteriorated.
Realizing that if I don’t do something, I’m going to end up back in the hospital. Or worse.
But what struck me the most was the flashback when my daughter burst into tears and said
How did I let this happen? Why had I not taken my health more seriously?
My daughter didn’t want to see me in a hospital bed again. So she consulted her friend’s mother, who had similar health issues to mine.
One day she came to visit me and asked me to give her my phone.
“Let’s sit down. This will just take a minute or two,” Lisa said.
Then my daughter downloaded the Cardi Health application onto my phone.
Together, we answered about 10 questions about my age, weight, physical activity level, health conditions, symptoms, medications I take, and foods I like and don’t like.
And within a minute, I had a comprehensive report on my heart health, along with a personalized diet and exercise plan.
Lisa then explained how the app works.
“Mom, I want to help you. My friend’s mother uses it to keep her blood pressure and cholesterol under control. The application I just downloaded to your phone is very easy to use.
It will tell you exactly what and when to eat and what exercises to do. It will track and record your vitals and constantly remind you to measure your blood pressure and take your medications.
I also connected my phone. I’ll be less worried now that I know how you’re doing, Mom,” Lisa said.
First of all, as Lisa said, the app is very easy and intuitive to use.
I feel more accountable now because it constantly reminds me to measure and record my blood pressure and take my medications.
Cardi Health generates reports on my vitals, which my doctor has found very helpful. He can now easily adjust my medication and treatment. But there are even more unique features.
I now have my personalized meal plan that was included in my Cardi Health plan at no additional cost. I can easily switch between different meals, choose low-budget ones, or find quick recipes. Cardi Health makes it so much easier to eat healthily.
Cardi Health also designed my activity plan. I was reluctant to exercise at first. But my husband was very supportive and wanted me to feel better. So he started exercising with me. We both feel more energetic and enjoy quality time together.
Lastly, with this app, my daughter can see all my vitals and know that I take my medications on time. It’s such a relief that Lisa can now focus on her life and spend more time with her adorable son. Looking after me while living in another city was taking that away from her.
I’ve lost 32lbs and now take my medication regularly.
As a result, my blood pressure no longer fluctuates. I have also lowered my cholesterol.
The doctor said these changes have greatly reduced my chances of having a heart attack or stroke!
And remember that birthday dress? Well, it fits me perfectly now.
It’s hard to explain, but with Cardi Health, I feel like I’m being taken care of.
And if you have high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol, let me tell you one thing.
It doesn’t have to be this way. But if you don’t take action, you’re putting your health at risk.
This tech helped me to take control of these life-threatening conditions. And it can help you, too.
I suggest you take a no-obligation Cardi Health quiz.
You’ll get a free report on your heart health. Then you can decide if you want to improve your health and well-being, just like I did.
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Thank you!
I was diagnosed with high blood pressure a year ago and felt so overwhelmed with all of the changes I had to make to my diet. I’ll test this kit because I’m tired of doing everything myself
Your story inspired me to take action too! You were right, the quiz is really simple and short, and the report opened my eyes. Can’t wait to get my kit
My mom has issues with high blood pressure too, sometimes reaching 140/90. I’m scared for her because she’s 78, and something to help me track her health would be ideal