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Home Fasting How Women Over 50 are Losing Weight & Flattening Their Belly

How Women Over 50 are Losing Weight & Flattening Their Belly

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Last update: Mar 15
reading-time7 min

…without counting calories or any form of extreme exercise.

Sally Harris, 53, has finally lost weight and improved her deteriorating health. She thought it would either be impossible or extremely difficult due to her circumstances: menopause and limited time for daily exercise.

Today, she’s healthier, slimmer, and happier. Sally is sharing her story with us. Thank you for sharing your story, Sally! 

“Grandma, am I going to get big like you?”

After hearing those words come out of my 6-year-old granddaughter’s mouth, I was shocked and hurt. Later that evening, I collapsed in my garden with tears falling down my face.

It wasn’t my granddaughter’s question that upset me.

The problem was that after all that I’d done over the years to stay healthy and in shape, I still couldn’t lose the weight I wanted to! 

I would try to be active, walk whenever I could, avoid the elevator and chose the stairs.

I always ate or ordered healthier food options: roast chicken, spinach, oats, eggs, and rarely ever fries on the side… although I LOVE them!

I tried Keto, paleo, Atkins, the Mediterranean diet, overpriced diet shakes, and even pills to lose weight.

Always deprived of something, exhausted, and sore – I would get on the scale and…

…see the numbers drop a bit. But then, almost immediately, they would shoot right back up. And would add some more on top!

I felt hopeless. Buried inside my body… My life was ruled by fat on my body and the discomfort that came from that.

Then, the realization hit me… Is this it? Will I have to live with this bodily affliction and suffer people judging me by my weight for the rest of my life!?

I’m only 53. I have a lot of years left!

My joints were getting more painful. I had high blood pressure and cholesterol. I couldn’t walk up and down the stairs without getting tired and out of breath…

I was always on the sidelines, watching everyone else having fun while longing to participate in activities with my family and friends.

I wasn’t able to play with my grandkids. I avoided swimming at all costs because I didn’t want anyone to see me in a bathing suit – not even my husband. I wore oversized clothes so that no one would see my flabby belly.

Deep in my heart, I KNEW that there was a lot more to do in this life. I wanted to feel free in my body and live my life without feeling ashamed or embarrassed all the time.

I fantasized about the day I’d finally lose that excess weight, and there’d be nothing holding me back anymore…

As I said before, I’ve tried EVERY diet to lose the flab around my stomach, waist, thighs, and underarms.

But nothing worked. I’d struggle and sweat for months only to lose a few pounds and gain them back immediately.

Constant thoughts about food & weight loss were starting to consume my entire life.

That was a terrible and demotivating way to live life. And all I wanted was to live my life to the fullest.

I wasn’t sure what to do, where to turn, or who to trust anymore.

I felt like I was fighting a painfully impossible uphill battle and got tired of beating my head over and over against a wall trying to lose weight.

If any of this sounds familiar, please read carefully what I’m going to share with you next…

Just as I was about to give up, a close friend of mine told me about a simple way to lose weight consistently – and fast.

It has helped me drop 30 pounds already!

I’m bursting with energy now, wrinkles are disappearing, and I’m wearing clothes that I couldn’t fit into for years.

And it’s designed specifically for women in their 50’s and over!

When I went through menopause, I gained the most weight, which I just couldn’t seem to shake off.

I didn’t know that our metabolism slows down during and after this time, and changes in our hormone levels make it especially hard to lose weight – and easier to gain a lot.

In fact, women can gain up to 30 pounds after menopause. But this new, easy-to-follow, intermittent fasting plan can “restart” your metabolism and help you burn fat all day, every day.

No more diets. No more cravings. No more thinking about food every minute and every hour.

When my friend and I caught up face-to-face, she left me speechless. The woman I’d known for 15 years no longer existed. Now, she was fit, healthy & looked at least 20 years younger!

She explained that she used a personalized intermittent fasting approach with DoFasting. The plan was based on her age, weight, health history, favorite foods, and so on…

It’s not one of those fad diets for the masses because professional nutritionists customize each plan to a person’s specific needs.

She went on to explain that this program did all the hard work for her – she received daily fasting guidance, plus a library of healthy, delicious, and easy-to-make recipes.

Also, water, fasting, step and time trackers, and more… everything in one place, simple and beginner-friendly.

Plus, she could still enjoy delicious snacks and desserts, so she was able to get rid of those pesky cravings that had haunted her for years.

Because intermittent fasting, if done correctly, is actually not about WHAT you eat, but WHEN you eat it.

It sounded easy AND effective – and that’s precisely the kind of thing I was looking for.

But I have to admit that I was skeptical at first about intermittent fasting. 

It went against everything internet health gurus had taught me my entire life.

However, after doing a lot of research, I found that intermittent fasting is not only one of the best ways to lose weight, but it also has other benefits, like decreasing blood glucose levels and lowering risks for diabetes. 

I was so scared to be disappointed yet again. But after seeing my friend’s incredible transformation, I jumped on the DoFasting bandwagon myself.

Just some months in, I’m over 30 pounds lighter – and I’m proud of my reflection in the mirror.

I can’t believe the results I’ve seen so far. It’s been the easiest and most enjoyable way of eating I’ve ever experienced.

✅ I have much more energy, so I can now chase my grandkids without running out of breath.
✅ My joints don’t bother me as much anymore, and…
✅ My cholesterol is at a healthy level.
✅ My flabby belly has all but disappeared!

I’m over 34 pounds lighter!

I finally feel comfortable in my skin and don’t feel like I have to hide my body all the time.

I ditched oversized clothing and can wear a bathing suit with confidence.

And from the looks my husband gives me, I think he’s got back the wife he fell in love with over 40 years ago.

When I first started this personalized approach to intermittent fasting, I had my doubts.

I didn’t know what to expect, but it was so simple! Now I have daily guidance, and I know what’s my plan every single day. 

Don’t get me wrong… The first few days were a little more challenging, I had to get used to it.

But I made sure to drink enough water and followed the advice I got so the cravings would go away.

The meals were so delicious and satiating that the constant need to snack had disappeared altogether – and I haven’t had a single hunger pang.

Plus, it was effortless to stick to consistently because everything was already done for me.

Could your incredible transformation be just one quiz away?

If you could have that body – that youthful energy you used to have back in the day – that smooth and tight skin without wrinkles and FEEL as though you’re 20 years younger, both inside and out… Would you take that chance?

I’m so glad I did! Because honestly, whenever I see myself in the mirror these days…

Whenever my husband looks at me like when we were first dating…

Whenever my family and friends shower me with compliments and ask for my secret…

I could not feel any prouder.

Now, if you’re skeptical, I totally understand. You’ve tried a lot of methods. You’ve spent a lot of money, and nothing’s worked.

But I am so confident that this new intermittent fasting program will work for you or any woman over 50!

It can help you enjoy your life to the fullest, just like I’m doing right now.

Without shame. Without fear. Without embarrassment, just carefree and happy.

You can get your own personalized intermittent fasting plan today and experience for yourself the fantastic fat loss results.

Click the button below to lose fat and enjoy your healthier body again!

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