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Home Keto Diet 7 reasons why most people fail on the Keto Diet

7 reasons why most people fail on the Keto Diet

Published By
Edibel Quintero, MD
Keto Diet
Last update: Jul 17
reading-time6 min
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Comments (167)

  1. avatar
    Helen Flouch
    4 Dec, 2020 at 7:37 pm

    I first started keto by accident. I was diagnosed with fatty liver and googled what foods I should be eating. I found Eric B. and he said eat 5-7 cups of raw vegetables a day and small amounts of fatty proteins. I chose roast chicken and smoked salmon and coleslaw packs. The weight started to fall off and I felt so much better. More reading and I found I was on keto. I now do intermittent fasting (IF) and it’s easy once I eliminated all grains and starchy vegetables. 3 months in and I’m down to 1 – 2 meals a day, blood pressure is normal for a 20-30 year old (I’m 67), I’ve lost 15kg (33lbs) and I feel great.

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  2. avatar
    Dotsie Gordon
    4 Dec, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    Very interesting reading all the comments. Will definately help me throughout this program.

    Thanks very much.

  3. avatar
    Lesley Watson
    24 Nov, 2020 at 11:23 pm

    Try some ketones! You will have alot of energy with them!

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