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Home Fasting 7-Day Water Fast: Guaranteed Results?

7-Day Water Fast: Guaranteed Results?

7-Day Water Fast: Guaranteed Results?

Fasting can sound like a scary idea at first. Not eating is how starvation works, right?

Not quite. There’s a long medical and cultural history to fasting. It’s a safe and healthy practice when performed properly.

Fasting even has lots of interesting, unique health benefits.

Today we’re discussing the 7-day water fast. We’ll cover:

  1. How fasting works
  2. What challenges it raises
  3. The effects and benefits of fasting
  4. Who should and shouldn’t fast?
  5. How to get the most out of a 7-day fast

So let’s start by looking at what fasting involves.

What Is a 7-Day Fast?

It’s a week-long reduction or complete restriction of food.

Fasting is controlled and deliberate. It’s about limiting food intake and – on the 7-day fast – focusing on fluids. It’s a way of radically changing your diet and resetting the way you think about food. It can also be a great practice in self-control.

Fasting itself has health benefits in cell health, for example. Fasting can also be used to lose weight, adjust dietary patterns, and reset behavior. Many people use multi-day fasts before changing their diet. This kind of “hard reset” helps make this transition easier and more reliable.

Obviously, as the name implies, this lasts for 7 days. It’s a little longer than many other diets but unlocks a completely different set of benefits in the body and mind. These include things like beating cravings, reducing appetite, and lowering blood pressure.

Is 7-Day Fasting Dangerous?

This is the first question most people look at when thinking about going without food. Fasting is different from starvation.

Most people worry about the health effects of not eating, but the human body is great at adapting to scarce food. Choosing to restrict food intake can be completely healthy. It’s how you do it that makes for the best benefits.

Fasting can be dangerous when performed incorrectly. It’s a significant amount of time without food, and improper management is the real risk.

Is 7-Day Fasting Dangerous


Typically, you should target a few pounds of weight loss during your fast and ensure that you’re not losing too much too quickly. Any more than 8–10% weight loss starts to limit critical functions, and you may find side-effects set in at these levels.

Be diligent for any change to your well-being and track your weight regularly just to make sure you’re not going too low.

Your body evolved to survive long periods without food. Fasting is just getting back to these historical functions – but it must be handled cautiously.

For healthy people who eat a nutritionally sufficient diet, fasting doesn’t have major risks. Obviously, there are people who should not fast. This is usually because they have medical conditions or special nutritional needs.

For the average healthy person, fasting is safe when it’s done properly.

The Dangers of Fasting

When fasting, there are some potential concerns and risks you should be aware of. These range from real worries to areas where a benefit may not be suitable for your health.

First, hypotension is a major factor in fasting. Reduced food intake lowers blood pressure. For some people, that’s a great benefit. For others, it may lead to unwanted side effects after prolonged fasting and should be controlled with proper electrolyte intake from mineral water and supplementation.

Second, and in the same vein, fasting lowers heart rate. This is a great benefit for many people suffering from heightened heart rate – but may cause some to go too low. If you have a heart condition, consult your doctor and be careful.

The 7-day fasting period is important. More than this can put you at risk. Keeping fasts short allows you to control side effects and weight loss. It’s always easier to perform a shorter fast to start with and increase time afterward if necessary. Your body adapts to regular fasting but does require some time.

7-day fasting: are there side effects?

Sometimes, we just don’t get the process right, and side effects may show up. This is usually because of poor mineral intake. Deficiency can cause issues like headaches and cramping. This usually happens because of what you’re drinking during a fast. It’s also easily solved with water, fluids, and supplementation.

For some people, fasting might not be appropriate. People with existing medical conditions should ask their doctor if fasting is appropriate. Specifically, talk to your doctor if you’re on prescription medications. 7-day fasting may interact with these kinds of regular medications.

Control the duration of your fast and make sure that you check any adverse effects with a doctor. Fasting can be healthy and productive but needs to be well-managed. Prioritize quality over the duration.

Get It Right: Fast Smarter

Fasting rewards attention to detail and smart planning. You get out what you put in, which is why guidance is more important than ever. DoFasting provides expertise and structure to get fasting right. Coaching and guidance take out the guesswork and maximize fasting results.

DoFasting offers a free initial quiz so you can personalize your fast around your needs. The app guides you through your fasting routine to maximize results. It also helps reduce side effects and guides your refeed. 

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Once you’ve completed the 7-day fast, DoFasting keeps helping you. It offers intermittent fasting structure, recipes, and education. These help you become a smarter dieter and keep improving.

Read more: DoFasting Review: How Good Is This Fasting App?

DoFasting makes fasting properly easier by taking out the guesswork and uncertainty. It’s this kind of smarter approach to fasting that means less struggle and better results.

Benefits and Functions: Why Fast?

Fasting is safe. So are a lot of other things. Why should you fast – just because you can?

Fasting actually has some interesting health and mental functions. It works across all of your body systems and has far-reaching effects.

Cell health and autophagy

Our bodies work best with regular bouts of calorie reduction. This can come from intermittent or multi-day fasting.

Cell formation and “refreshing” processes are more potent during a fast. This leads to the “cannibalization” of unhealthy cells. This turns up the immune response and helps regulate cell health overall. This has some interesting implications for cell problems like cancers.

What we know for sure is that fasting drives regular cell health “refreshers.” Cell health after calorie restriction is usually better and promotes long-term health. This also prevents some of the normal aging processes.

Longer-lived, healthier cells that are more resistant to damage and mutation.

Reduced appetite and cravings

For example, fasting reduces appetite after only 1–4 days. This is associated in many fasters with loss of cravings – especially for “junk foods.” This is one of the ways that fasting can be used as part of a “reset” to your diet.

These get even stronger over time. Some studies show complete elimination of cravings. 7-day fasting is a powerful tool to change how you think of food. It’s one way to get off the “craving treadmill” and take back control.

This is a huge deal if you’ve failed diets because of cravings for junk food. We have all experienced those cravings, but a 7-day fast helps you beat them. This is perfect for transitioning into a new diet with a clear head. Instead of craving foods, you can plan foods and make sure they suit your health and goals!

Fast metabolism and metabolic flexibility

Fasting is a state where your body spares carbs and burns fat. 

This builds metabolic flexibility – you’re not dependent on one nutrient. Flexibility helps your body age well and combats some brain diseases. Fasting helps you burn triglycerides and ketones. This is perfect for long-term fat burning.

This fat burning makes the 7-day fast a perfect transition to keto. With reduced cravings and better fat burning, you’ll be ready to rebuild a smarter diet. This is a state that keto diets aim at – which makes 7-day fasting a perfect partner. 

Fat reduction 

There are obviously changes to the body, too. Overweight people lose significant amounts of weight in a short time using fasting. Some studies showed a weight loss of around 4–6kg within the first week alone. This is not all fat, however, with losses to water weight and muscle glycogen, too.

This is a great way to make rapid change. Rapid fat loss can feel rewarding and help with adherence. If you can complete a 7-day fast, a healthy diet is probably not too difficult. This behavioral change is a great place to start a calorie-restricted diet.

Preliminary evidence for other conditions

There are other concerns that have preliminary evidence. These suggest some interaction with fasting but without rock-solid evidence. Possible benefits from 7-day fasting impact on:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hypertension
  • Chronic pain syndromes
  • Migraine
  • Chemotherapy
  • Mood and psychological wellbeing

These are all areas where reports suggest fasting helps. Sometimes these are medical benefits, while others are just subjective. This shows that – at least – fasting can improve how you feel.

7 day fasting results

Adjustments: Getting the Most out of a 7-Day Fast

You can get the most out of a 7-day fast by slightly changing the simple formula. Instead of just not eating for 7 days, you can use this time and these habits to make fasting better.

Step one: Maintain a regular exercise

Even when fasting, regular exercise is important. While you may feel low energy during a fast, exercise supports energy levels.

During fasted states, regular exercise helps normalize your hormones. It also prevents muscle-wasting, saves glycogen in the body, and keeps energy levels high. This is key to making sure you don’t succumb to excess fatigue early on in your fast.

Fasting suits a combination of endurance and strength training. Running, cycling, and swimming are perfect for improving fat-burning and supporting hormonal health. Strength training prevents muscle-wasting, keeps bones healthy, and regulates recovery processes.

Step two: Supplement vitamins and minerals

First, remember that this is a calorie-restriction diet. It’s not a religious or spiritual fast, so nutritional supplements should be used.

This should focus on vitamins and minerals, which you would normally get from food. Supplementing these nutrients helps reduce the risk of things like cramps and headaches. They also support basic energy levels and organ function, keeping you healthy.

Focus on products that are rich in minerals, especially. Things like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are essential. These are the most important minerals. They support everyday function as well as mental and physical well-being. 

Step three: Mineral water

Another way to do this is using the right sources of water. 

Water has an even more important role than normal when fasting. The minerals support muscle function, support organs, and maintain brain health. Quality is more important than ever, so pay attention to your water.

You need to stay hydrated, but mineral water also provides electrolytes. This helps reduce mineral deficiency. It also protects against headaches, cramping, and low blood pressure. During exercise, sodium-rich drinks are great for muscle health.

Specifically, look for mineral brands that are high in sodium, potassium, and bicarbonates. These are key to your hydration status and help fend off side effects.

Step four: Choice of no-calorie fluids

You should also look to your other calorie-free fluids like herbal tea. They’re going to provide important nutrients and other beneficial compounds. Anything that doesn’t provide calories will work. Obviously, those with more nutrients are better!

For example, the EGCG in green tea is great for helping metabolize fat and supporting energy levels during a fast. This combines perfectly with the fat burning that 7-day fasts rely on. It also pairs perfectly with endurance exercise. EGCG helps burn fat during exercise for more fuel. This feeds back into your higher energy levels.

Just because you’re not eating, you can’t neglect nutrition. Use zero-calorie drinks to control cravings, hydrate, and support your fast. They’re another tool to support results and how you feel on a 7-day fast.

7-day fast before and after

The Refeed: Transitioning Back Into Eating

Once you’ve completed a 7-day fast, you need to eat again. How you eat during this period makes a big difference.

When you’re reintroducing food, you can start your diet from scratch. Initially, reintroduce protein and veggies to replenish stores. This also helps combat nutrient deficiency and sets your priorities for diet.

You want to spend roughly 3 or 4 days refeeding. Each day should involve slightly more food than the last. You’re reverse dieting: creeping calorie intake back to a “new normal” level. This ensures change is gradual and sustainable.

Focus on cultured dairy and other probiotics. This includes yogurt, cheese, and fermented veggies. You should also focus on dark, leafy greens during this time. These are nutrient-rich but won’t dump tons of minerals into your bloodstream. This can disrupt your chemical balance, which makes the refeed a delicate process!

The simple idea is to use the refeed from a 7-day fast to perfect your diet and completely reset. It’s how you make sure that these health benefits stick in the long term, long after those first 7 days. Focus on high-quality protein sources and nutrient-rich veggies. These are important for your gut and diet. A fast is the start of a better diet, not a quick fix.

Final Thoughts

7-day fasting can seem intimidating to start with. However, the science is clear that most people can practice it safely. The benefits are wide-ranging and affect both the body and mind. 

Fasting is becoming more popular as people realize it’s not scary. It’s a great option whether you’re looking to lose weight, improve health, or simply reset your habits. The benefits outweigh the risks, and you can always consult your doctor if you have any special personal needs.

To get the most out of a fast, focus on your fluids. Water quality, calorie-free drinks, and supplements can really improve your results. Then, when it’s over, be sure to refeed patiently. This is one of the best ways to shift gears into a new diet that is healthier than the one you had before your 7-day fast.

A 7-day fast is a great way to change your life. There’s only one week between you and completely new habits. It’s the foundation to better choices and a smarter diet!

Written by
Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.

7-Day Water Fast: Guaranteed Results?

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