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Home Psychology Hers Review: Should You Sign Up?

Hers Review: Should You Sign Up?

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Telehealth companies have become incredibly popular over the last few years, and it isn’t hard to see why. They present an incredibly convenient solution to a tricky problem: scheduling appointments and getting access to certain medications.

Hers is a telehealth service specializing in healthcare services and products for women. They’ve become quite popular recently, along with their companion site, Hims. The brand’s catalog of products is extensive, and its mental health services may be genuinely useful.

Subscription services like Hers should not be treated lightly; knowing what you’re getting into before you spend your hard-earned money is important. We’re going to take a look at everything Hers offers, along with their pros and cons. By the end of our Hers review, you’ll have a clear picture of what the brand offers – and where it may fall short. 

Is Hers legit? Do their products work? We’ll address all of your concerns and more down below.


hers logo
  • Short waiting time
  • Convenient healthcare solution
  • Available anytime, anywhere
Our Rating:
Offers prescription and over-the-counter medication
Virtual platform
You can stay anonymous
Wide variety of services offered
Does not accept insurance
Consultations are exclusively through text messages
Might not be effective

Plenty of brands have attempted to capitalize on online therapy services, but not all of them can be trusted. Any form of therapy requires a trusting relationship between the patient and the therapist. Hers offers a message-based form of therapy with a licensed medical professional. 

The biggest benefit of such therapy is the price. Hers online mental health services are cheap enough that they may at least be worth trying. 

⭐ Rating


✅ Pros

Free treatment plan, short waiting time

❌ Cons

Doesn’t accept insurance, message-based

☎️ Is it legit?


🔔 How to get started?

💰 Price

From $85 a month

What Is Hers?

Hers is a telehealth company specializing in over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medication for women. As the name implies, Hers is the direct counterpart to Hims, another telehealth company that provides the same services for men.

In addition to the medication mentioned above, the primary focus of Hers is to provide fast and efficient mental health services. Think of it as online therapy – it works the same as any other therapist appointment, except you’re limited to text in your interactions with your therapists. 

All of this may seem overly ambitious for a telehealth service. After all, people face various mental, sexual, and physical issues every day. Fortunately, Hers’ products and services are easy to access thanks to virtual visits with licensed medical professionals, all of whom can address any issues you may face, such as allergies and infections.

Overall, the appeal of Hers and other services like it is easy to understand. The brand has a lot going for it, but before we can discuss its pros and cons, there are a few other points to review first.

Who Is Hers for?

As the name implies, Hers is an online health service specifically geared toward women aged 18 years and over. Despite this distinction, however, not all Hers products and services are exclusive to women. 

When it comes to mental health services, women are especially limited in their options. There just aren’t that many platforms dedicated to women’s issues. Fortunately, Hers endeavors to provide effective mental healthcare to all of its subscribers.

With that being said, Hers is not only a great health service in general but also a decent option if you need counseling and therapy. If you’ve struggled with your mental health before, Hers might be the service for you. 

Hers Products and Services

The products and services offered by Hers are extensive. They include medications and supplements for mental health, sexual health, and physical health, in addition to skincare products, acne treatment, and birth control.

The brand’s services can be sorted into five distinct categories, namely:

  • Health and wellness
  • Sexual health
  • Hair loss and general haircare
  • Skincare
  • Supplements

Health and wellness

Your mental and physical health deserves the right amount of care when you need it. Unfortunately, scheduling a doctor’s appointment can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to balance your many other responsibilities. Additionally, mental health services are notoriously expensive.

Luckily, Hers offers virtual visits and evaluations for various physical issues, including colds, infections, and allergies. The evaluation is conducted by a licensed medical professional who will recommend treatment options after your consultation.

When it comes to your mental health, Hers also lets you schedule a consultation with a qualified psychiatrist who can perform a full psychiatric evaluation and address any mental health concerns you may have. They also offer anonymous support groups and ongoing therapy sessions with licensed counselors.

How Does Hers Mental Healthcare Work?

Getting started with Hers and speaking to a mental health professional is a fairly straightforward process. It begins with creating a profile; you’ll be asked to answer a series of questions related to your medical history as well as to come up with a username and password. Additionally, you’ll need to provide Hers with a government-issued identity document and a valid credit card.

After that, you’ll be prompted to complete another medical questionnaire related to your current concerns or issues. Within 24 hours of completing the questionnaire, you will be contacted by a professional. This consultation will cost $39.

Finally, once you’ve had a consultation with your psychologist, you will be left with a treatment plan. Hers will send the medication to your home if a prescription is required. Otherwise, you can also opt for recurring therapy to further support your mental health.

Pros of Hers 

There’s much to like about Hers and its services. The brand has become a popular commodity, and upon looking at the products they offer, it isn’t hard to see why. These are some of the primary benefits Hers provides.

#1 Short waiting time

Going to the doctor’s office can be inconvenient if you’re trying to balance your time. It’s not unheard of for patients to sit in the waiting room for hours before speaking to their therapist.

You could better spend your time waiting for your consultation doing something productive. 

Fortunately, due to the virtual nature of Hers, you can schedule an appointment and get on with your day. Moreover, it only takes 24 hours for a therapist to contact you.

#2 Free treatment plan

Accessing proper healthcare is virtually impossible without paying a fee. This is true for Hers’ more extensive products, but the brand still offers cost-free health tips and advice, which could be exactly what you need to maintain your mental, sexual, and physical well-being.

These tips can be accessed directly through the website, although you will still need to create an account to access certain services. Hers provides many free resources around mindfulness and self-care, which are important for women everywhere.

#3 Offers lots of products

Hers is the latest in a long line of virtual healthcare providers, but the brand’s extensive range of products puts them a cut above the rest.

While Hers primarily focuses on sexual and mental health services for women, its products encompass a wide range of different health solutions, from skincare to supplements.

Cons of Hers

Hers is not immune to a few shortcomings. While the services they provide are perfect if you need a “quick fix,” there are a few areas in which the telehealth brand is lacking.

#1 Too little information on their website

When you sign up for any online platform, you must know exactly what you’re getting into before you offer up your hard-earned money, especially regarding health services like Hers.

Unfortunately, the information available on Hers’ website is insufficient and largely superficial. 

Although you can get a rough overview of the brand’s main services and products, you won’t be able to tell whether or not they are the right brand for you just by looking at the website.

#2 Message-based platform

Virtual services like Hers present a convenient solution to various problems, but online platforms still have their fair share of shortcomings. When it comes to Hers, the main problem with their virtual consultations is that they are entirely message-based. That means that you won’t be able to call your therapist for them to conduct a comprehensive assessment.

If you need a serious consultation, you should visit your therapist in person rather than schedule a virtual appointment through Hers.

#3 Doesn’t accept insurance

Hers is a legitimate, registered medical platform; the company does not accept insurance. That means every single supplement, medication, or treatment you purchase must be done with your hard-earned money.

You can send any prescriptions you receive over to your local pharmacy, in which case your insurance may be able to cover the costs. However, a subscription to Hers is completely out of your pocket.

How Much Is a Hers Consultation?

The size of your budget often limits access to decent primary care services. For example, taking care of your mental health does not come cheap, nor does speaking to a legitimate medical professional.

Fortunately, the consultations offered by Hers are generally quite affordable. Having a consultation with a licensed medical professional will set you back $39, which is cheaper than some other medical services.

On the other hand, some of the brand’s products can cost $100 or more. Moreover, the subscription cost can skyrocket depending on which services you wish to use. At least the shipping is free.


Is Hers any good?

While some of Hers’ services are not nearly as in-depth as they should be, their products are certainly useful, particularly if you’re in a pinch and don’t want to visit the doctor.

Is Hers legit?

According to Hers’ official website, all their affiliate medical professionals are fully licensed to offer consultations and write prescriptions. This guarantees that you get the best service your money can buy. Your therapy sessions – despite being message-based – will be in-depth and engaging. 

Is Hers for me?

If you are a woman in need of cheap, easy access to certain healthcare products regularly, Hers might be the perfect fit for you. A subscription is unnecessary for all their products, so even if you don’t need them regularly, they are still easily accessible.

Comparison Table

Sensa Health logo
hers logo
BetterHelp logo
talkspace logo
4.7 / 5
4.3 / 5
4.5 / 5
4.4 / 5

Access to tons of activities

Quick-relief exercises

Virtual mental health assessments

Mood journal

Lots of educational content

Text-based consultations

24-hour response time

Recurring prescriptions delivered to your door

Free resources

Video, voice, and message consultations

Affordable mental healthcare

Easy to schedule consultations

Video, voice, and message consultations


Easy to schedule consultations

Easily accessible
Wide range of activities
Personalized content
Quick-relief options
Short waiting time
Free treatment plan and resources
Wide range of products
Multiple therapy options
Response within 24 hours
Fully licensed professionals
Deals with a wide range of issues
Flexible payment plans
No face-to-face consultations
Too little information on the website
Does not accept insurance
Expensive weekly payments
Cannot fulfill court orders
Does not provide official diagnoses
Age restrictions
No group counseling
No financial aid available
Sensa Health logo
hers logo
BetterHelp logo
talkspace logo
4.7 / 5
4.3 / 5
4.5 / 5
4.4 / 5
Product info

Access to tons of activities

Quick-relief exercises

Virtual mental health assessments

Mood journal

Lots of educational content

Text-based consultations

24-hour response time

Recurring prescriptions delivered to your door

Free resources

Video, voice, and message consultations

Affordable mental healthcare

Easy to schedule consultations

Video, voice, and message consultations


Easy to schedule consultations

Easily accessible
Wide range of activities
Personalized content
Quick-relief options
Short waiting time
Free treatment plan and resources
Wide range of products
Multiple therapy options
Response within 24 hours
Fully licensed professionals
Deals with a wide range of issues
Flexible payment plans
No face-to-face consultations
Too little information on the website
Does not accept insurance
Expensive weekly payments
Cannot fulfill court orders
Does not provide official diagnoses
Age restrictions
No group counseling
No financial aid available

How We Tested

When it comes to telehealth services, you must know what it is you’re paying for, which is exactly why we’ve tested Hers extensively alongside a few other similar services. We consider the brand’s reputation, along with its products’ quality, price, and effectiveness. Here are our final ratings:

Quality 6/10 

Before you sign up for any service, mental health or otherwise, it’s important to get a good grasp of their products – what is it that they’re selling, and how good is it? Hers’ services and products are all mostly above-average, but you’re limited to text messages when consulting with a therapist. This severely hampers the experience. 

Effectiveness 6/10

The effectiveness of certain mental health services will naturally vary from person to person. At the very least, Hers is represented by a team of fully qualified professionals. Unfortunately, you can only communicate with said professionals via text, which is definitely not the most effective solution for most people.

Price 6/10

Mental health services shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg, and Hers somewhat straddles the line between fairly priced and a tad costly. The price of your subscription will also depend on the medications and products you will use on a recurring basis.

Brand reputation 7/10

Although a company’s reputation does not always affect the quality of its services or products, it is important for mental health services like Hers. Fortunately, most of the reviews are positive, and the brand is fairly well-known, making it a safe bet for anyone in need. 


A Hers subscription is convenient if you need easy access to mental health services. The value they provide speaks for itself, though other websites – like BetterHelp and Talkspace – provide other channels of communication that you won’t find on Hers. 

You should approach online primary care services like Hers with skepticism. There is no guarantee that the service will benefit you in the long run. Additionally, though easy access to mental health services is important, it can sometimes be better to schedule an in-person appointment instead.

Written by
Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero is a medical doctor who graduated in 2013 from the University of Zulia and has been working in her profession since then. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Edibel's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.

hers review

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