We may occasionally partner with brands and products in the health and wellness industry and recommend their products on our page. Our selection criteria for partnerships and recommendations include the following:
By following these criteria, we aim to only recommend products and brands that we trust. However, please note that our evaluations are based on publicly available information, and the brand is ultimately responsible for the product claims. We may receive a commission for any purchases made through the links provided by us. You can learn more about it here.
All products and brands undergo the same evaluation process, including:
We work hard to ensure that our partner brands and products match our high standards and regularly review them to ensure they are up-to-date. If a brand or product falls below our evaluation criteria, it will be removed from our content immediately.
We understand that keeping up with the ever-changing landscape of products can be difficult, so we aim to be as transparent as possible in our reasoning for why a product was removed. This way, you can make informed decisions about the brands and products you support.
If a brand or product makes changes to its claims, experiences a decline in reputation, or becomes involved in questionable practices, we may remove it from our content. However, please note that we may not always be able to act promptly. Not all brands and products will undergo our evaluation process before being recommended to you.