A new kind of keto diet plan that many doctors and scientists are starting to call “Keto 2.0” is gaining popularity across the world.
According to several nutrition experts from the US, this “keto diet 2.0” could be up to twice as effective as a regular keto diet, while being 5 to 7 times easier to follow.1
Since its rise in popularity in 2016, the keto diet has become one of the world’s most popular diets.
Interestingly enough, many studies have found that this high-fat diet was indeed effective in helping people lose weight:
For instance, a recent study from the New England Journal of Medicine conducted on 132 obese individuals, found that the ketogenic diet was 3.1 times more effective than low-fat diets in promoting weight loss.2
Another randomized controlled trial from 2015 showed that the amount of fat burned per minute was actually 228.6% higher when following a keto diet, compared to a low-fat diet.3
But despite its worldwide success and clinically proven efficiency, thousands of people who have tried the keto diet failed to see any visible difference in their waistline.
And when asked why keto didn’t work for them, the same answers keep coming back: “too much planning required”, “overwhelming amount of information”, or “always eating the same meals”…
However, a new form of keto diet plan could well make regular keto diets obsolete in 2022…
The difference with the traditional keto diet? It’s incredibly diverse (people can eat over 10,000 different meals…), it’s scientifically designed to enter the fat-burning state of “ketosis” faster… and you don’t need to track the calories, fats, or carbs you eat with this new kind of keto plan.
In other words, it “removes all the hurdles of the classic keto diet, while doubling its efficiency”, according to a US-based nutritional doctor specialized in high-fat, low-carb diets.
In this article, our editorial team shares everything you need to know about this “enhanced” keto diet plan.
Many of us have heard about the keto diet at least once, whether it’s from celebrities posting their favorite keto meals on Instagram… friends and family members ecstatic to share their latest keto recipes… or random news articles sharing incredible success stories of men and women who lost 50+ pounds thanks to keto…
But as a reminder, here’s what the keto diet is all about in a few concise lines:
The keto diet is about eating a lot of high-fat foods, a moderate amount of proteins while cutting down carbs to a minimum. Typically, a keto diet involves getting 70% of calories from fat, 25% from proteins, and 5% from carbs, according to most nutritionists.
After 3-4 days of following this high-fat, low-carb diet, our body is depleted of glucose, which is a source of energy that comes from eating carbs (we eat very few carbs during keto, which massively reduces glucose levels).
Since our body doesn’t have enough glucose to fuel all its functions, it starts to use fat as a main source of energy in order to survive. This fat-burning state is known as “ketosis”, and it is during this state that people can melt excess pounds – because the body consumes a lot of energy, and fat becomes the only energy source.
One of the main benefits of the keto diet is that it allows us to lose weight quickly compared to other diets, while at the same time eating delicious, greasy foods, such as bacon, sausages, eggs, cheese, butter, rib-eyes, or fried chicken.
In a few seconds, we’ll talk about a new “enhanced” form of a keto diet plan that may allow us to reach this sought-after fat-burning “ketosis” faster than traditional keto diets. But first, let’s see what science really has to say about keto…
While some people remain skeptical about the benefits of the keto diet, multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies suggest that the keto diet could help lose weight faster compared to other diets.
For instance, a recent clinical study from the New England Journal of Medicine conducted on 132 obese individuals, found that the ketogenic diet led to more belly fat loss, and produced 3.1 times as much weight loss as a low-fat diet.2
Another major study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found that high-fat diets led to a significantly higher weight loss than low-fat diets.4
In other words, the volunteers who followed a keto diet were able to lose more fat and weight than the other “low-fat” group, while eating large amounts of “greasy” food such as cheese, bacon, sausages, or BBQ wings.
Further, a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials that were published in the British Journal of Nutrition arrived at the same conclusion:
“Individuals assigned to a VLCKD [very low carbohydrate ketogenic diet] achieved a greater weight loss than those assigned to an LFD [low-fat diet] in the long term”.5
But that’s not all. One of the main reasons most diets fail is because at some point, people just can’t resist their cravings… and they jump on their favorite foods to get that immediate, liberating rush of pleasure (which they usually regret later)…
Well, interestingly enough, researchers found that the keto diet could actually neutralize cravings entirely, by reducing feelings of hunger by as much as 62%:4
Finally, scientists also found that due to the fat-burning effect of “ketosis”, people following a keto diet were able to burn fat at a rate of 1.6 grams per minute – which is 228.6% faster than for people who follow a “low-fat” diet!3
“A ketogenic diet actually increases muscle mass, it increases fat burning, it cuts your hunger, it may stimulate all kinds of beneficial effects of the body to reduce inflammation. So, there are really profound benefits to it.”
Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, medical director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine
“For the average healthy person, going on a short course of keto will help them lose some weight, and it probably won’t be detrimental to their health.”
Dr. Mikhail Varshavski, Board Certified Family Medicine Doctor
“When you cut carbs keto-style, your body can no longer make enough blood sugar to fuel itself. It then enters a state of “ketosis” during which fat becomes its primary fuel. Studies show that ketosis helps most people lose weight.”
Dr. Fred Pescatore, Columbia University
Now, if the evidence clearly suggests that keto can help us lose weight fast, then why do so many people struggle to get leaner while following a keto diet?
While there are thousands of success stories of people who managed to reach their weight loss targets thanks to a keto diet, there are also a lot of men and women who didn’t manage to lose weight with this diet…
And the worst part is: it’s not their fault. Despite all its benefits, the keto diet is, in practice, notoriously hard to follow in the long run without proper guidance.
When we first start a keto diet, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed by all the random recipes and tips that are swarming the net. Plus, it can quickly become exhausting to plan all our meals in advance, and track our calories one by one every day – especially when we’re starting out on our own.
Below, we expose the three main reasons that lead people to fail their keto diet and explain how to overcome these challenges.
Recent research conducted on more than 200,000 participants showed that 67% of people failed on the keto diet because they couldn’t keep track of their macros with their regular lifestyle (“macros” are simply the percentage of calories we get from fats, proteins and carbs).1
In order to be successful, the diet requires diligent planning and rigorous tracking of macros. As eloquently explained by Dr. Lisa Davis, a leading US nutritionist:
“Fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. Meal prepping is crucial in achieving ketosis because the macros are so specific.”5
To maximize the probability of success of the keto diet, many nutritionists recommend using a tracking system that automatically calculates the amount of fat, proteins, and carbs we eat every day. That way, we can be “mathematically certain” of following the diet properly, and we can just focus on savoring keto meals with complete peace of mind.
Another reason that explains why many people quit the keto diet, is because they get tired of eating the same food over and over again. They become bored with the lack of food diversity.
While the diet does allow for some very tasty food – including bacon, eggs, and cheese – it’s true that it’s easy to run out of cooking ideas after a few weeks of trying keto recipes. When we’re looking online for new recipes, we keep hearing about the same meals, filled with avocado, salmon, bacon, chicken and nuts… For people who enjoy eating new, unique meals every day, that can feel very restrictive…
For that reason, low-carb nutritionists recommend following special plans of keto diets that offer a wider variety of meals than what can be found online. That may explain why this “enhanced” form of the keto diet, offering more than 10,000 different meals, is becoming so popular right now… (we’ll talk about this one in a second)
Many people who are excited to start a keto diet often go on Google and try to find as many keto meal recipes as they can. Then, they eat their meals on their own, with blind trust in these random recipes found online.
While this may sound like a sensible approach, it’s one of the biggest reasons why people fail their diet. That’s because these keto meals might be good by themselves, but terrible in combination with other keto meals you found on different websites.
In other words, as repeated by dozens of doctors and nutritionists, the keto diet only works if the meals are part of a cohesive, long-term plan, designed by qualified professionals. So drop the quick “Keto bomb recipes” from Pinterest, and opt for professionally made, personalized keto plans instead, for optimal weight loss results.
To overcome the main hurdles of the keto diet, an innovative start-up called KetoCycle has recently created a new “enhanced” form of keto diet program, which could make regular keto diets appear obsolete.
According to nutritionists, this “keto diet 2.0” could be up to twice as effective as a regular keto diet, while being 5 to 7 times easier to follow.1 Our editorial team investigated this new keto plan to understand why…
So first, what is KetoCycle? It’s an app that gives us a personalized keto diet plan based on our age, weight, health history, and food preferences.
The difference with other keto diets is that the app uses a proprietary algorithm to track the calories and macros of the user 100% automatically, with medical-grade precision. In other words, users of KetoCycle don’t have to do anything other than follow keto recipes that are automatically generated every day, and enjoy their meals without having to think about what goes inside their bodies…
This greatly improves the success rate of keto followers, because it spares them the pain of having to count and track everything they eat. That’s why studies estimate that this fully personalized, AI-assisted keto plan is up to two times more effective than regular keto diets.1
Second, based on our research, this new keto program offers a diversity of meals that far exceeds any other forms of keto diets we’ve encountered so far. With 10,000+ special keto meals available, the diversity of choice is such that it’s nearly impossible to try them all. That means that people can follow a clinically proven keto diet while eating something different every day.
Third, this vast list of personalized keto recipes has been constructed by professional nutritionist Christine Ellis, in collaboration with world-class chefs and personal trainers. By using a “scientific approach” to crafting keto meals, KetoCycle can help people reach “ketosis” faster than regular keto diets.1
Based on our research, these reasons explain why this new form of personalized keto plan is becoming so popular right now. As explained by a US-based nutritional doctor specialized in high-fat, low-carb diets:
“This personalized, automated keto plan removes the key hurdles of the classic keto diet while improving its efficiency”.
Finally, the app also offers a 24/7 nutritional support service, to answer any of our questions for complete peace of mind.
KetoCycle has over 380,000 users and an average rating of 4.5/5 based on thousands of reviews.
To put the KetoCycle app to the test, we asked a few members of our editorial team to try it for a month. We then asked them to give their honest opinion on the diet plan, including what they liked or didn’t like about it. Here’s what they had to say:
“To be frank, I felt a decrease in energy in the first few days, which made my heavy workout sessions harder than usual. I suspect it was due to the very low amount of carbs recommended by the plan, causing a decrease in glucose levels.
After 4-5 days though, it became much easier. It felt like my body got used to eating food like bacon, eggs and butter in the morning, which is good, as I really enjoy greasy, salty food like this. The thing I liked the most about this diet is that you can eat food that is very tasty every day, and not feel guilty about it…
In terms of weight loss, I was also positively surprised. I lost a few pounds in the beginning. Then my weight was relatively stable for a few days, before decreasing again over the next few weeks. In total, I think I’ve lost around 5-6 pounds overall, which is quite a lot for my relatively small size and corpulence!”
Leo, Associate Editor at Health Insider
“I’m not new to diets, having tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, Whole30, and many others, with moderate success… I tried keto once two years ago with a friend, but I found the meal planning and tracking aspects way too complicated, so I just gave up pretty quickly. Plus, I am a huge bread lover so low-carb is not easy for me…
But with the KetoCycle app, it was a completely different experience. The real value added I think is that the app does all the hard work for you: it counts your macros, gives you exact keto recipes every day, and even a groceries list so that you can focus on eating instead of planning. For lazy people like me who prefer clear directions over loose guidelines, it really made a big difference!
By following my personalized keto plan, I haven’t lost weight in the first week to be fair. I thought I was doing something wrong initially… But things really started to kick in after the second week: I could feel that my body was in a different “state” and that the amount of fat on my hips and waist was decreasing – which is an incredible feeling.
By the end of my plan, I had lost 7 pounds, which is way, way above my initial expectations… So a very positive experience overall. The only downside for me is that you can’t eat bread, but now I think there are some “keto bread” that can taste like the real thing.”
Sara, Assistant Editor at Health Insider
Thousands of people have achieved truly life-changing transformations thanks to this personalized fat-burning keto plan from KetoCycle.
It is possible to get a personalized KetoCycle meal plan by answering a 60-second quiz right now.
Right after this quiz, Keto Cycle will generate a tailored plan with delicious keto meals.
Take the quiz while it lasts here:
5 sources
Thank you for your comment
I want to try this keto cycle. I have a friend who lost 130 pounds on regular keto and has kept it off for 8 years.
interested in an easy to follow keto diet. math is difficult for me
Some people like to be dramatic and make everything hard, but keto is so incredibly easy. I use it, not to lose weight, but to maintain my blood glucose levels. It isn’t a “diet”. It’s a way of life. I’ve reversed T2D and a host of other ailments in the 5 years I’ve adhered to it, and I’m never going off. We love it!!!
Some people like to be dramatic and make everything hard, but keto is so incredibly easy. I use it, not to lose weight, but to maintain my blood glucose levels. It isn’t a “diet”. It’s a way of life. I’ve reversed T2D and a host of other ailments in the 5 years I’ve adhered to it, and I’m never going off. We love it!!!
Keto is very easy for me it’s the fastest way to loose weight. I’ve lost 30lbs in 5months. Plus many of the carbs like bread and flour products don’t agree with me. Keto any day!
This is the most delicious meal plan I have ever been on..
So much food. I lost about a pound a day. I only stayed on for 2 weeks because it made me tired. I lost 10 lbs. 😊
I want more info
I have decided not to use this. Please refund my money. As I went thru the process, everything wanted me to buy something else!! And makes me think this is a scam. Please let me know when you unsubscribe me.
I tried the KetoCycle Diet when I wanted to lose weight over a year ago and maybe even two years ago. I was skeptical because I tried the Atkins diet years ago & didn’t like it. This ap made it do-able!! The ap did the work, I just followed the choices and so glad I had choices. I lost about 25-30 lbs. over a...
I tried the KetoCycle Diet when I wanted to lose weight over a year ago and maybe even two years ago. I was skeptical because I tried the Atkins diet years ago & didn’t like it. This ap made it do-able!! The ap did the work, I just followed the choices and so glad I had choices. I lost about 25-30 lbs. over a few months and it wasn’t bad. I’m going to do it again to lose that last 5-10 lbs. I just wonder what this 2.0 Keto will be like. Highly recommend this ap!
There are 3 people in my home. One is 48 (disabled in a wheel chair), other 2 early 70s. Will this plan work for us?
Please provide information on Keto 2.0. Thanks
Thanks for the details.
Most fail keto because they eat lean chicken and lean beef. The fat is really the key to successful keto weight loss.
I lost 10lbs since January 1 and I love it.
I lost 90 lbs in 7 months on Keto. I ate a lot of salad and chicken. Kept it off for over three years now… Energy is through the roof!
Great article, now it if you just mentioned: Some that quit and fail do so because they get a so called “Keto Flu”. This is because under the normal Standard American Diet, your body retains water and with that water – Salt and Electrolytes. In the first few weeks converting to fat burning your body no longer retains this extra water and expels it...
Great article, now it if you just mentioned: Some that quit and fail do so because they get a so called “Keto Flu”. This is because under the normal Standard American Diet, your body retains water and with that water – Salt and Electrolytes. In the first few weeks converting to fat burning your body no longer retains this extra water and expels it (Also lowering electrolytes, salt). Ensure you increase the intake of Salt/Electrolytes avoids the Keto Flu and will increase your chances of being successful.
Where is this mysterious menu or recipe book?
Do you have a specific plan for people without a gallbladder?
I started Keto mid March 2022 and still remain pretty true to it. I lost 92 pounds in 9 months and am able to maintain a healthy weight. Very big life change, so not for the diet fads out there. I am 52 years old, entered prediabetes, high blood pressure, and had a heart attack 8 years ago. I am now free from all...
I started Keto mid March 2022 and still remain pretty true to it. I lost 92 pounds in 9 months and am able to maintain a healthy weight. Very big life change, so not for the diet fads out there. I am 52 years old, entered prediabetes, high blood pressure, and had a heart attack 8 years ago. I am now free from all my meds, A1-C is perfect, glucose at 75, etc. Very happy that I will be around for my daughter for (hopefully) many more years than if I would have done nothing.
I tried to add the personalized portion, but my phone locked up. Can I add this to my plan I just purchased?
I would love to try
Interested. It’s hard got a bachelor to follow
I’d love to receive more information, please.
I am not a big sweet eater, but I do like candy once in a while. Are you allowed room for a sweet treat two or three times a week/
I would like to receive the plan for me if I can be mailed? Please answer
I am not a cook. I prepare simple meals, but do not prepare complicated meals. Would I be able to make the proposed meals on the enhanced keto plan?
I weight 244 and need to lose atleast 100.
Is this diet recommended for people who battle high cholesterol?
Do have anything for folks that eat in restaurants 2/4 times week different times and meals thanks
I have done a keto diet while driving a truck and lost roughly 50 pounds In about 6 months. It is known in the trucking community as a nutrient dense keto, it was put together by a driver named Kevin Ruthiford.
I don’t have a gallbladder and I went on Keto and was actually better at regulating the fat than when I was still eating carbs. No more burping all night long, gets, acid reflux. When I eat carbs I feel some of it but as long as I go back then I’m fine. Go for it. I felt that being on Keto healed my...
I don’t have a gallbladder and I went on Keto and was actually better at regulating the fat than when I was still eating carbs. No more burping all night long, gets, acid reflux. When I eat carbs I feel some of it but as long as I go back then I’m fine. Go for it. I felt that being on Keto healed my body of those gastric problems.
Bile salts are the best thing you can do for your body. Otherwise known as ox bile..
Not having a gallbladder makes no difference. I had mine out in 1988, found keto in 2017. Stayed on it for three years.Fell off the wagon. Trying it again because it worked!
I have had the sleeve weight loss 7 years ago but been gaining weight again I need something to help me
How does this not clog your arteries? Fat? I would really like to do it but a heart attack/stent just does not sound appealing..
I had my gallbladder removed years ago. Fat is not digested it is merely excreted out. I have lost 72 lbs on Keto! No problem. I am also under doctors care. She tests and watches me closely.
The concept is great, unfortunately there app doesn’t consistently work. Their app is more frustrating than the diet itself. What a shame…
I hate fried eggs…scrambled 50/50… does Keto 2.0 have an alternative that excludes eggs?
My husband and I are looking at trying this. He is a diabetic. Is this ok for diabetics to do?
I have problems hypoglycemia so I spoke to my doctor before beginning Keto. She said as long as I check my blood sugar any time i check my Keto level and stay in the safe range she doesn’t have a problem with it. As long as I’m safe. I’ve been on Keto two months and have lost 13 happy pounds! I have about 15...
I have problems hypoglycemia so I spoke to my doctor before beginning Keto. She said as long as I check my blood sugar any time i check my Keto level and stay in the safe range she doesn’t have a problem with it. As long as I’m safe.
I’ve been on Keto two months and have lost 13 happy pounds! I have about 15 to go.
This way of eating is the hardest I’ve followed! I’ll check out the Keto 2.0! Praying it’s not too expensive! Losing weight isn’t as important if my wallet loses too much weight too!
Happy New Year!
I successfully tried the KETO diet Aug,2019. I lost 10 lbs the first week and my blood pressure dropped 38 points. It was too much work cooking 3 meals a day. Plus I missed eating bread, ice cream and eating out. My cardiologist told me last week to try it again since it was successful .
Hi there,
Thanks for the message! 😊
In order to find out the price of Keto Cycle, you would have to take the personalized quiz on their website, which would allow them to provide you with the best plan possible.
Here’s the link to their website: https://eu.ketocycle.diet/
Hope this helped out!
Best wishes,
Health Insider Team
I take ox bile capsules to digest fat.
Hey there!
Thank you for your interest.
Though Keto is safe to use for most people, if you have any medical concerns, Keto Cycle recommends checking with your doctor first.
If you have any other questions, please contact their customer support at [email protected]. 🥰
Warm regards,
Health Insider Team
I’ve been living Keto for 11 years now without my gallbladder.
Hello! Thank you for your comment! Keto Cycle plan is created to be used worldwide. They are trying to make the plan universal and include as many cuisines as possible. Ingredients included are based on your answers to the questionnaire. Nevertheless, you will be in complete control of your plan and ability to create meals on your own. All nutritional data would be already...
Thank you for your comment!
Keto Cycle plan is created to be used worldwide. They are trying to make the plan universal and include as many cuisines as possible.
Ingredients included are based on your answers to the questionnaire. Nevertheless, you will be in complete control of your plan and ability to create meals on your own.
All nutritional data would be already counted for you, so you don’t need to worry about anything: just select what you like and create a meal on your own. You are always on the right track – Keto Cycle professionals choose only healthy meals and ingredient options.
You can get your Keto Cycle plan here: http://bit.ly/ENG_kcfsc.
Hope this information finds you well! If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Keto Cycle support team at [email protected].
Have a nice day ahead!
Health Insider Team
I guess my only question about the people on the editorial staff, are any of them overweight or obese? I am curious about people with genuine weight issues have done on this diet.
All I know is low carb works, so keto works. But the other thing that really works is fasting. I drop weight fast if I simply skip eating 2 nights a week – so last eating of the day is lunch, 2 days a week. If you can do 3 or 4, even better, but 2 is enough.
Very interested to see if they can help me lose some weight.
I’m 64 years old and 100lbs overweight, I am doing Keto now but like everyone else keeping track of everything I eat can be daunting for me, my doctor seems to think that the keto diet for me is the best way to go but it’s still hard for me. I definitely need help
This plan is so simple and easy to use. I lost 157lbs in 22 days and I have never felt.
Keto is a good diet
I love keto
Love keto
I love the Keto diet! I lost 60 pounds.
I have had great success with keto in past
Lost 30 lbs in the beginning and now I’m maintaining around 140 lbs. I weighed 165 lbs before and with my height my doctor was impressed and at my last physical exam he said not to stop what I’m doing. Thanks to Keto…..May try the new and improved Keto.
Remarkable! Its genuinely amazing article, I have got much clear idea about from this piece
of writing.
I hope this 2.0 version will be OK for me. I need to drop 30 pounds before a wedding (spring 2023). If anyone has any tips please share.
Make sure to take a fiber supplement as constipation can be a problem with any Keto or Atkins diet. Preferably chose a sugar-free fiber supplement otherwise you will be adding simple carbs back into your diet.
I lost 27lb with intermittent fasting. I do 16-8. Now I eat almost keto diet to maintain it. Best wishes.
With the 16/8. What hours do you eat?
Salad with balsamic dressing, a protein like grilled or baked chicken breast. Or burger no bread, fish like salmon patties or sardines,
The biggest thing is don’t stop. Don’t stop when it gets hard or if the scale isn’t moving. I suggest implementing intermittent fasting- especially when you hit plateaus. Weight loss is all mental.
Calories IN vs calories OUT. To lose weight you must eat less than you need to maintain your current weight. This is probably a carb back loading/intermittent fasting plan where you fast for 12 hours then eat keto diet till dinner. Dinner is the meal that you can eat carbs with. Be a good idea to keep the fats low for your high carb...
Calories IN vs calories OUT. To lose weight you must eat less than you need to maintain your current weight.
This is probably a carb back loading/intermittent fasting plan where you fast for 12 hours then eat keto diet till dinner. Dinner is the meal that you can eat carbs with. Be a good idea to keep the fats low for your high carb meal.
There’s plenty of time until Spring honey. I can vouch for this program, tried and true. My girlfriends & I keep coming back on it. My advice would be not to stress out and follow the plan. The most I’ve ever lost was 46 Lbs. You can do it!
must be REAL effective if you keep coming back to it. SMDH. If it truly worked, you’d do it one time, make the changes you need & not keep doing it over & over! You’d lose weight & learn new habits/lifestyle.
Very fascinating read; thank you to the editorial team. I didn’t think that the ketogenic diet would be so scientifically researched. Will have to try this plan out.
I need to lose 40lbs
Hi there,
Thanks for the message! 😊
In order to find out the price of Keto Cycle, you would have to take the personalized quiz on their website, which would allow them to provide you with the best plan possible.
Here’s the link to their website: http://ketocycle.diet/1
Hope this helped out!
Best wishes,
Health Insider Team
I love the keto lifestyle, lost 84 lbs in 11 months,I find it not hard to follow,I make everything myself,need to lose 80 more
When doing this new plan will I have to cook 2 different meals for my husband and I or can they do a couples plan
A friend told me about keto before but it was way too difficult. I failed because I can’t do math to save my life HAHA. Thankfully I don’t have to calculate anything now, this plan has been a lifesaver, lost 14lbs and counting!